KJV Dictionary Definition: venture


VEN'TURE, n. L. venio, ventus, venturus, to come.

1. A hazard; an undertaking of chance or danger; the risking of something upon an event which cannot be foreseen with tolerable certainty.

I, in this venture, double gains pursue.

2. Chance; hap; contingency; luck; an event that is not or cannot be foreseen.

3. The thing put to hazard; particularly, something sent to sea in trade.

My ventures are not in one bottom trusted.

At a venture, at hazard; without seeing the end or mark; or without foreseeing the issue.

A bargain at a venture made.

A certain man drew a bow at a venture. 1Kings 22.

VEN'TURE, v.i.

1. To dare; to have courage or presumption to do, undertake or say. A man ventures to mount a ladder; he ventures into battle; he ventures to assert things which he does not know.

2. To run a hazard or risk.

Who freights a ship to venture on the seas.

To venture at,

To venture on or upon, To dare to engage in; to attempt without any certainty of success. It is rash to venture upon such a project.

And when I venture at the comic style.

VEN'TURE, v.t.

1. To expose to hazard; to risk; as, to venture one's person in a balloon.

2. To put or send on a venture or chance; as, to venture a horse to the West Indies.


VEN'TURED, pp. Put to the hazard; risked.


VEN'TURER, n. One who ventures or puts to hazards.


VEN'TURING, ppr. Putting to hazard; daring.

VEN'TURING, n. The act of putting to risk; a hazarding.


VEN'TUROUS, a. Daring; bold; hardy; fearless; intrepid; adventurous; as a venturous soldier.

With vent'rous arm he pluck'd, he tasted.


VEN'TUROUSLY, adv. Daringly; fearlessly; boldly.


VEN'TUROUSNESS, n. Boldness; hardiness; fearlessness; intrepidity. The event made then repent of their venturousness.