KJV Dictionary Definition: assent


ASSENT', n. L. assensus, from assentior, to assent, of ad and sentio, to thing.

1. The act of the mind in admitting, or agreeing to, the truth of a proposition.

Faith is the assent to any proposition, on the credit of the proposer.

2. Consent; agreement to a proposal, respecting some right or interest; as, the bill before the house has the assent of a great majority of the members.

The distinction between assent and consent seems to be this: assent is the agreement to an abstract proposition. We assent to a statement, but we do not consent to it. Consent is an agreement to some proposal or measure which affects the rights or interest of the consenter. We consent to a proposal of marriage. This distinction however is not always observed. See Consent.

3. Accord; agreement. 2Chron. 18.


ASSENTA'TION, n. L. assentatio, from assentor, to comply.

Compliance with the opinion of another, from flattery or dissimulation.


ASSENTA'TOR, n. A flatterer.


ASSENT'ER, n. One who assents, agrees to, or admits.


ASSENT'ING, ppr. Agreeing to, or admitting as true; yielding to.


ASSENT'INGLY, adv. In a manner to express assent; by agreement.


ASSENT'MENT, a. Assent; agreement. Rarely used.