KJV Dictionary Definition: afford


AFFO'RD, v.t. ad and the root of forth, further. The sense is to send forth. But I have not found this precise word in the exact sense of the English, in any other language.

1. To yield or produce as fruit, profit, issues, or result. Thus, the earth affords grain; a well affords water; trade affords profit; distilled liquors afford spirit.

2. To yield, grant or confer; as, a good life affords consolation in old age.

3. To be able to grant or sell with profit or without loss; as, A can afford wine at a less price than B.

4. To be able to expend without injury to one's estate; as, a man can afford a sum yearly in charity; or be able to bear expenses, or the price of the thing purchased; as, one man can afford to buy a farm, which another cannot.

5. To be able without loss or with profit.

The merchant can afford to trade for smaller profits.


AFFO'RDED, pp. Yielded as fruit, produce or result; sold without loss or with profit.


AFFO'RDING, ppr. Yielding; producing; selling without loss; bearing expenses.