KJV Dictionary Definition: vile


VILE, a. L. vilis. Gr.

1. Base; mean; worthless; despicable.

The inhabitants account gold a vile thing.

A man in vile raiment. James 2.

Wherefore are we counted as beasts, and reputed as vile in your sight? Job. 18.

2. Morally base or impure; sinful; depraved by sin; wicked; hateful in the sight of God and of good men. The sons of Eli made themselves vile. 1Sam. 3.

Behold I am vile; what shall I answer? Job 40.


VI'LED, a. Vile. Not in use.


VI'LELY, adv.

1. Basely; meanly; shamefully; as Hector vilely dragged about the walls of Troy.

2. In a cowardly manner. 2Sam. 1.

The Volscians vilely yielded the town.



1. Baseness; meanness; despicableness.

His vileness us shall never awe.

2. Moral baseness or depravity; degradation by sin; extreme wickedness; as the vileness of mankind.