KJV Dictionary Definition: subdue


SUBDUE, v.t.

1. To conquer by force or the exertion of superior power, and bring into permanent subjection; to reduce under dominion. Thus Cesar subdued the Gauls; Augustus subdued Egypt; the English subdued Canada. Subduing implies conquest or vanquishing, but it implies also more permanence of subjection to the conquering power, than either of these words.

I will subdue all thine enemies. 1 Chronicles 17.

2. To oppress; to crush; to sink; to overpower so as to disable from further resistance.

Nothing could have subdud nature to such a lowness, but his unkind daughters.

If aught were worthy to subdue the soul of man.

3. To tame; to break by conquering a refractory temper or evil passions; to render submissive; as, to subdue a stubborn child.

4. To conquer; to reduce to mildness; as, to subdue the temper or passions.

5. To overcome by persuasion or other mild means; as, to subdue opposition by argument or intreaties.

6. To overcome; to conquer; to captivate; as by charms.

7. To soften; to melt; to reduce to tenderness; as, to subdue ferocity by tears.

8. To overcome; to overpower and destroy the force of; as, medicines subdue a fever.

9. To make mellow; to break; as land; also, to destroy, as weeds.


SUBDUED, pp. Conquered and reduced to subjection; oppressed; crushed; tamed; softened.


SUBDUING, ppr. Vanquishing and reducing to subjection; crushing; destroying the power of resistance; softening.