KJV Dictionary Definition: sell


SELL, for self; and sells for selves. Scot.

SELL, n. L. sella. A saddle, and a throne. Obs.

SELL, v. t. pret. and pp. sold.

1. To transfer property or the exclusive right of possession to another for an equivalent in money. It is correlative to buy, as one party buys what the other sells. It is distinguished from exchange or barter, in which one commodity is given for another; wheras in selling the consideration is money, or its representative in current notes. To this distinction there may be certain exceptions. "Esau sold his birthright to Jacob for a mess of pottage." But this is unusual. "Let us sell Joseph to the Ishmaelites- And they sold him for twenty pieces of silver." Gen. 37.

Among the Hebrews, parents had power to sell their children.

2. To betray; to deliver or surrender for money or reward; as, to sell one's country.

3. To yield or give for a certain consideration. the troops fought like lions, and sold their lives dearly. that is, they yielded their lives, but first destroyed many, which made it a dear purchase for their enemies.

4. In Scripture, to give up to be harassed and made slaves.

He sold them into the hands of their enemies. Judg. 2.

5. To part with; to renounce or forsake.

Buy the truth and sell it not. Prov. 23.


SELL'ING, ppr.

1. Transferring the property of a thing for a price or equivalent in money.

2. Betraying for money.