KJV Dictionary Definition: sap


SAP, n.

1. The juice of plants of any kind, which flows chiefly between the wood and the bark. From the sap of a species of maple, is made sugar of a good quality by evaporation.

2. The alburnum of a tree; the exterior part of the wood, next to the bark. A sense in general use in New England.

SAP, v.t.

1. To undermine; to subvert by digging or wearing away; to mine.

Their dwellings were sapp'd by floods.

2. To undermine; to subvert by removing the foundation of. Discontent saps the foundation of happiness. Intrigue and corruption sap the constitution of a free government.

SAP, v.i. To proceed by mining, or by secretly undermining.

Both assaults are carried on by sapping.

SAP, n. In sieges, a trench for undermining; or an approach made to a fortified place by digging or under cover. The single sap has only a single parapet; the double has one on each side, and the flying is made with gabions, &c. In all saps, traverses are left to cover the men.


SAP'PED, pp. Undermined; subverted.