KJV Dictionary Definition: rare


RARE, a. L. rarus, thin.

1. Uncommon; not frequent; as a rare event; a rare phenomenon.

2. Unusually excellent; valuable to a degree seldom found.

Rare work, all fill'd with terror and delight.

Above the rest I judge one beauty rare.

3. Thinly scattered.

4. Thin; porous; not dense; as a rare and attenuate substance.

Water is nineteen times lighter and by consequence nineteen times rarer than gold.

5. Nearly raw; imperfectly roasted or boiled; as rare beef or mutton; eggs roasted rare.


RA'RELY, adv.

1. Seldom; not often; as things rarely seen.

2. Finely; nicely. little used.



1. The state of being uncommon; uncommonness; infrequency.

And let the rareness the small gift commend.

2. Value arising from scarcity.

3. Thinness; tenuity; as the rareness of air or vapor.

4. Distance from each other; thinness.