KJV Dictionary Definition: provision


PROVI'SION, n. s as z. L. provisio, provideo. See Provide.

1. The act of providing or making previous preparation.

2. Things provided; preparation; measures taken beforehand, either for security, defense or attack, or for the supply of wants. We make provision to defend ourselves form enemies; we make provision for war; we make provision for a voyage or for erecting a building; we make provision for the support of the poor. Government makes provision for its friends.

3. Stores provided; stock; as provision of victuals; provision of materials.

4. Victuals; food; provender; all manner of eatables for man and beast; as provisions for the table or for the family; provisions for an army.

5. Previous stipulation; terms or agreement made, or measures taken for a future exigency.

In the law, no provision was made to abolish the barbarous customs of the Irish.

Papal provision, a previous nomination by the pope to a benefice before it became vacant, by which practice the rightful patron was deprived of his presentation.

PROVI'SION, v.t. To supply with victuals or food. The ship was provisioned for a voyage of six months. The garrison was well provisioned.