KJV Dictionary Definition: private


PRI'VATE, a. L. privatus, from privo, to bereave, properly to strip or separate; privus, singular, several, peculiar to one's self, that is, separate; rapio, diripio, eripio; privo for perivo or berivo.

1. Properly, separate; unconnected with others; hence, peculiar to one's self; belonging to or concerning an individual only; as a man's private opinion, business or concerns; private property; the king's private purse; a man's private expenses. Charge the money to my private account in the company's books.

2. Peculiar to a number in a joint concern, to a company or body politic; as the private interest of a family, of a company or of a state; opposed to public, or to the general interest of nations.

3. Sequestered from company or observation; secret; secluded; as a private cell; a private room or apartment; private prayer.

4. Not publicly known; not open; as a private negotiation.

5. Not invested with public office or employment; as a private man or citizen; private lift.

A private person may arrest a felon.

6. Individual; personal; in contradistinction from public or national; as private interest.

Private way, in law, is a way or passage in which a man has an interest and right, though the ground may belong to another person. In common language, a private way may be a secret way, one not known or public.

A private act or statute, is one which operates on an individual or company only; opposed to a general law, which operates on the whole community.

A private nuance or wrong, is one which affects an individual.

In private, secretly; not openly or publicly.

PRI'VATE, n. A secret message; particular business. Unusual.

1. A common soldier.


PRIVATEE'R, n. from private. A ship or vessel of war owned and equipped by a private man or by individuals, at their own expense, to seize or plunder the ships of an enemy in war. Such a ship must be licensed or commissioned by government, or it is a pirate.

PRIVATEE'R, v.i. To cruise in a commissioned private ship against an enemy, for seizing their ships or annoying their commerce.


PRI'VATELY, adv. In a secret manner; not openly or publicly.

1. In a manner affecting an individual or company. He is not privately benefited.


PRI'VATENESS, n. Secrecy; privacy.

1. Retirement; seclusion from company or society.

2. The state of an individual in the rank of common citizens, or not invested with office.


PRIVA'TION, n. L. privatio, from privo. See Private.

1. The state of being deprived; particularly, deprivation or absence of what is necessary for comfort. He endures his privations with wonderful fortitude.

2. The act of removing something possessed; the removal or destruction of any thing or quality. The garrison was compelled by privation to surrender.

For what is this contagious sin of kind

But a privation of that grace within?

3. Absence, in general. Darkness is a privation of light.

4. The act of the mind in separating a thing from something appendant.

5. The act of degrading from rank or office.

But in this sense, deprivation is now used. See Deprivation.