KJV Dictionary Definition: premeditate


PREMED'ITATE, v.t. L. proemeditor; proe, before, and meditor, to mediate. To think on and revolve in the mind beforehand; to contrive and design previously; as, to premeditate theft or robbery.

With words premeditated thus he said.

PREMED'ITATE, v.i. To think, consider or revolve in the mind beforehand; to deliberate; to have formed in the mind by previous thought or meditation.

PREMED'ITATE, a. Contrived by previous meditation.


PREMED'ITATED, pp. Previously considered or meditated.

1. Previously contrived, designed or intended; deliberate; willful; as premeditated murder.


PREMED'ITATELY, adv. With previous meditation.


PREMED'ITATING, ppr. Previously meditating; contriving or intending beforehand.


PREMEDITA'TION, n. L. proemeditatio.

1. The act of meditating beforehand; previous deliberation.

A sudden thought may be higher than nature can raise without premeditation.

2. Previous contrivance or design formed; as the premeditation of a crime.