KJV Dictionary Definition: perceivable


PERCE'IVABLE, a. See Perceive. Perceptible; that may be perceived; that may fall under perception or the cognizance of the senses; that may be felt, seen, heard, smelt or tasted. We say, the roughness of cloth is perceivable; the dawn of the morning is perceivable; the sound of a bell is perceivable; the scent of an orange is perceivable; the difference of taste in an apple and an orange is perceivable.

1. That may be known,understood or conceived. Less proper.


PERCE'IVABLY, adv. In such a manner as to be perceived.


PERCE'IVANCE, n. Power of perceiving. Not in use.


PERCE'IVE, v.t. L. percipio; per and capio, to take.

1. To have knowledge or receive impressions of external objects through the medium or instrumentality of the senses or bodily organs; as, to perceive light or color; to perceive the cold or ice or the taste of honey.

2. To know; to understand; to observe.

Till we ourselves see it with our own eyes, and perceive it by our own understanding, we are in the dark.

3. To be affected by; to receive impressions from.

The upper regions of the air perceive the collection of the matter of tempests before the air below.


PERCE'IVED, pp. Known by the senses; felt; understood; observed.


PERCE'IVER, n. One who perceives, feels or observes.