KJV Dictionary Definition: maim
MAIM, v.t.
1. To deprive of the use of a limb, so as to render a person less able to defend himself in fighting, or to annoy his adversary.
2. To deprive of a necessary part; to cripple; to disable.
You maim'd the jurisdiction of all bishops.
MAIM, n. written in law-language, mayhem.
1. The privation of the use of a limb or member of the body, so as to render the sufferer less able to defend himself or to annoy his adversary.
2. The privation of any necessary part; a crippling.
Surely there is more cause to fear lest the want thereof be a maim, than the use of it a blemish.
3. Injury; mischief.
4. Essential defect.
A noble author esteems it to be a maim in history. Not used.
MA'IMED, pp. Crippled; disabled in limbs; lame.
MA'IMING, ppr. Disabling by depriving of the use of a limb; crippling; rendering lame or defective.