KJV Dictionary Definition: gold


GOLD, n.

1. A precious metal of a bright yellow color, and the most ductile and malleable of all the metals. It is the heaviest metal except platina; and being a very dense, fixed substance, and not liable to be injured by air, it is well fitted to be used as coin, or a representative of commodities in commerce. Its ductility and malleability render it the most suitable metal for gilding. It is often found native in solid masses, as in Hungary and Peru; though generally in combination with silver, copper or iron.

2. Money.

For me, the gold of France did not seduce--

3. Something pleasing or valuable; as a heart of gold.

4. A bright yellow color; as a flower edged with gold.

5. Riches; wealth.

Gold of pleasure, a plant of the genus Myagrum.

GOLD, a. Made of gold; consisting of gold; as a gold chain.


GOLDING, n. A sort of apple.