KJV Dictionary Definition: fore
FORE, a.
1. Properly, advanced, or being in advance of something in motion or progression; as the fore end of a chain carried in measuring land; the fore oxen or horses in a team.
2. Advanced in time; coming in advance of something; coming first; anterior; preceding; prior; as the fore part of the last century; the fore part of the day, week or year.
3. Advanced in order or series; antecedent; as the fore part of a writing or bill.
4. Being in front or towards the face; opposed to back or behind; as the fore part of a garment.
5. Going first; usually preceding the other part; as the fore part of a ship, or of a coach.
FORE, adv. In the part that precedes or goes first.
In seamen's language, fore and aft signifies the whole length of the ship, or from end to end, from stem to stern.
Fore, in composition, denotes, for the most part, priority of time; sometimes, advance in place.
For the etymologies of the compounds of fore, see the principal word.
FOR'EST, n. L. foris.
1. An extensive wood, or a large tract of land covered with trees. In America, the word is usually applied to a wood of native growth, or a tract of woodland which has never been cultivated. It differs from wood or woods chiefly in extent. We read of the Hercynian forest, in Germany, and the forest of Ardennes, in France or Gaul.
2. In law, in Great Britain, a certain territory of woody grounds and pastures, privileged for wild beasts and fowls of forest, chase and warren, to rest and abide in, under the protection of the king, for his pleasure. In this sense, the word has no application in America.
Forest laws, laws for governing and regulating forests, and preserving game.
FOR'EST, v.t. To cover with trees or wood.