KJV Dictionary Definition: ensign
EN'SIGN, n. en'sine. L. insigne, insignia, from signum, a mark impressed, a sign.
1. The flag or banner of a military band; a banner of colors; a standard; a figured cloth or piece of silk, attached to a staff, and usually with figures, colors or arms thereon, borne by an officer at the head of a company, troop or other band.
2. Any signal to assemble or to give notice.
He will lift up an ensign to the nations. Is.5.
Ye shall be left as an ensign on a hill. Is.30.
3. A badge; a mark of distinction, rank or office; as ensigns of power or virtue.
4. The officer who carries the flag or colors, being the lowest commissioned officer in a company of infantry.
5. Naval ensign, is a large banner hoisted on a staff and carried over the poop or stern of a ship; used to distinguish ships of different nations, or to characterize different equadrons of the same navy.