KJV Dictionary Definition: dismiss


DISMISS, v.t. L.

1. To send away; properly, to give leave of departure; to permit to depart; implying authority in a person to retain or keep. The town clerk dismissed the assembly.

2. To discard; to remove from office, service or employment. The king dismisses his ministers; the master dismisses his servant; and the employer, his workmen. Officers are dismissed from service, and students from college.

3. To send; to dispatch.

He dismissed embassadors from Pekin to Tooshoo Loomboo. Improper.

4. To send or remove from a docket; to discontinue; as, to dismiss a bill in chancery.

DISMISS, n. Discharge; dismission. Not used.


DISMISSAL, n. Dismission.


DISMISSED, pp. Sent away; permitted to depart; removed from office or employment.


DISMISSING, ppr. Sending away; giving leave to depart; removing from office or service.



1. The act of sending away; leave to depart; as the dismission of the grand jury.

2. Removal from office or employment; discharge, either with honor or disgrace.

3. An act requiring departure. Not usual.

4. Removal of a suit in equity.


DISMISSIVE, a. Giving dismission.