KJV Dictionary Definition: diminish


DIMINISH, v.t. L., to lessen; less.

1. To lessen; to make less or smaller, by any means; opposed to increase and augment; as, to diminish the size of a thing by contraction, or by cutting off a part; to diminish a number by subtraction; to diminish the revenue by limiting commerce, or reducing the customs; to diminish strength or safety; to diminish the heat of a room. It is particularly applied to bulk and quantity, as shorten is to length.

2. To lessen; to impair; to degrade.

I will diminish them, that they shall no more rule over the nations. Ezekiel 29.

3. In music, to take from a note by a sharp, flat or natural.

To diminish from, to take away something.

Neither shall you diminish aught from it Deuteronomy 4.

DIMINISH, v.i. To lessen; to become or appear less or smaller. The size of an object diminishes, as we recede from it.


DIMINISHABLE, a. Capable of being reduced in size or quantity.


DIMINISHED, pp. Lessened; made smaller; reduced in size; contracted; degraded.


DIMINISHING, ppr. Lessening; contracting; degrading.


DIMINISHINGLY, adv. In a manner to lessen reputation.