KJV Dictionary Definition: crow


CROW, n. G., L.

1. A large black fowl, of the genus Corvus; the beak is convex and cultrated, the nostrils are covered with bristly feathers, the tongue is forked and cartilaginous. This is a voracious fowl, feeding on carrion and grain, particularly maiz, which it pulls up, just after it appears above ground.

To pluck or pull a crow, is to be industrious or contentious about a trifle, or thing of no value.

2. A bar of iron with a beak, crook or two claws, used in raising and moving heavy weights.

3. The voice of the cock. See the Verb.

CROW, v.i. pret. and pp. crowed; formerly, pret. crew. Gr. See the Noun.

1. To cry or make a noise as a cock, in joy, gaiety or defiance.

2. To boast in triumph; to vaunt; to vapor; to swagger. A popular, but not an elegant use of the word.


CROWING, ppr. Uttering a particular voice, as a cock; boasting in triumph; vaunting; bragging.