KJV Dictionary Definition: compound



1. To mix or unite two or more ingredients in one mass or body; as, to compound drugs.

Whoever compoundeth any like it--shall be cut off from his people. Ex. 30.

2. To unite or combine.

We have the power of altering and compounding images into all the varieties of picture.

3. To compose; to constitute.

4. In grammar, to unite two or more words; to form one word of two or more.

5. To settle amicably; to adjust by agreement; as a difference or controversy.

6. To pay by agreement; to discharge, as a debt, by paying a part, or giving an equivalent different from that stipulated or required; as, to compound debts.

But we now use, more generally, to compound with.

To compound felony, is for a person robbed to take the goods again, or other compensation, upon an agreement not to prosecute the thief or robber. This offense is, by the laws of England, punishable by fine and imprisonment.


COMPOUNDABLE, a. Capable of being compounded.


COMPOUNDED, p. Made up of different materials mixed; formed by union of two or more substances.



1. One who compounds or mixes different things.

2. One who attempts to bring parties to terms of agreement.


COMPOUNDING, ppr. Uniting different substances in one body or mass; forming a mixed body; agreeing by concession, or abatement of demands; discharging a debt by agreement to pay less than the original sum, or in a different manner.