KJV Dictionary Definition: appear


APPE'AR, v.i. L. appareo, of ad and pareo, to appear, or be manifest.

1. To come or be in sight; to be in view; to be visible.

The leprosy appeareth in the skin of the flesh. Lev. 13.

And God said, Let the dry land appear. Gen. 1.

2. To become visible to the eye, as a spirit, or to the apprehension of the mind; a sense frequent in scripture.

The Lord appeared to Abram, and said. Gen 12.

The angel of the Lord appeared to him in a flame of fire out of the midst of the bush. Ex. 3.

3. To stand in presence of, as parties or advocates before a court, or as persons to be tried. The defendant, being called, did not appear.

We must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ. 2Cor. 5.

4. To be obvious; to be known, as a subject of observation or comprehension.

Let thy work appear to thy servant. Ps. 90.

It doth not yet appear what we shall be. 1John 3.

5. To be clear or made clear by evidence; as, this fact appears by ancient records.

But sin that it might appear sin. Rom 7.

6. To seem, in opposition to reality.

They disfigure their faces, that they may appear to men to fast. Mat. 6.

7. To be discovered, or laid open.

That they shame may appear. Jer. 13.

APPE'AR, n. Appearance. Obs.



1. The act of coming into sight; the act of becoming visible to the eye; as, his sudden appearance surprised me.

2. The thing seen; a phenomenon; as an appearance in the sky.

3. Semblance; apparent likeness.

There was upon the tabernacle as it were the appearance of fire. Num. 9.

4. External show; semblance assumed, in opposition to reality or substance; as, we are often deceived by appearances; he has the appearance of virtue.

For man looketh on the outward appearance. 1Sam. 16.

5. Personal presence; exhibition of the person; as, he made his first appearance at court or on the stage.

6. Exhibition of the character; introduction of a person to the public in a particular character, as a person makes his appearance in the world, as a historian, an artist, or an orator.

7. Probability; likelihood. This sense is rather an inference from the third or fourth; as probability is inferred from external semblance or show.

8. Presence; mien; figure; as presented by the person, dress or manners; as, the lady made a noble appearance.

9. A being present in court; a defendant's filing common or special bail to a process.

10. An apparition.


APPE'ARER, n. The person that appears.


APPE'ARING, ppr. Coming in sight; becoming evident; making an external show; seeming; having the semblance.

APPE'ARING, n. The act of becoming visible; appearance.