KJV Dictionary Definition: alter


AL'TER, v.t. L. alter, another. See Alien.

1. To make some change in; to make different in some particular; to vary in some degree, without an entire change.

My covenant will I not break, nor alter the thing that has gone out of my lips. Ps. 89.

2. To change entirely or materially; as, to alter an opinion. In general, to alter is to change partially; to change is more generally to substitute one thing for another, or to make a material difference in a thing.

AL'TER, v.i. To become, in some respects, different; to vary; as, the weather alters almost daily.

The law which altereth not. Dan 4.


AL'TERABILITY, n. The quality of being susceptible of alteration.


AL'TERABLE, a. That may become different; that may vary.


AL'TERABLENESS, n. The quality of admitting alteration; variableness.


AL'TERABLY, adv. In a manner that may be altered, or varied.


AL'TERANT, a. Altering; gradually changing.

AL'TERANT, n. A medicine which, without a sensible operation, gradually corrects the state of the body and changes it from a diseased to a healthy condition. An alterative.


ALTERA'TION, n. L. alteratio.

The act of making different, or of varying in some particular; an altering or partial change; also the change made, or the loss or acquisition of qualities not essential to the form or nature of a thing. Thus a cold substance suffers an alteration when it becomes hot.


AL'TERATIVE, a. Causing alteration; having the power to alter.

AL'TERATIVE, n. A medicine which, without sensible operation, gradually induces a change in the habit or constitution and restores healthy functions. This word is more generally used than alterant.