KJV Dictionary Definition: adventure


ADVENT'URE, n. See Advent.

1. Hazard; risk; chance; that of which one has no direction; as, at all adventures, that is, at all hazards. See Venture.

2. An enterprize of hazard; a bold undertaking, in which hazards are to be encountered, and the issue is staked upon unforeseen events.

3. That which is put to hazard; a sense in popular use with seamen, and usually pronounced venture. Something which a seaman is permitted to carry abroad, with a view to sell for profit.

A bill of adventure, is a writing signed by a person, who takes goods on board of his ship, wholly at the risk of the owner.

ADVENT'URE, v.t. To risk, or hazard; to put in the power of unforeseen events; as, to adventure one's life. See Venture.


ADVENT'URED, pp. Put to hazard; ventured; risked.



1. One who hazards, or puts something at risk, as merchant-adventurers.

2. One who seeks occasions of chance, or attempts bold, novel, or extraordinary enterprizes.


ADVENT'URING, ppr. Putting to risk; hazarding.



1. Inclined or willing to incur hazard; bold to encounter danger; daring; courageous; enterprizing; applied to persons.

2. Full of hazard; attended with risk; exposing to danger; requiring courage" applied to things; as, an adventurous undertaking.

And followed freedom on the adventurous tide.


ADVENT'UROUSLY, adv. Boldly; daringly; in a manner to incur hazard.


ADVENT'UROUSNESS, n. The act or quality of being adventurous.