KJV Dictionary Definition: account



1. A sum stated on paper; a registry of a debt or credit; of debts and credits, or charges; an entry in a book or on paper of things bought or sold, of payments, services &c., including the names of the parties to the transaction, date, and price or value of the thing.

Account signifies a single entry or charge, or a statement of a number of particular debts and credits, in a book or on a separate paper; and in the plural, is used for the books containing such entries.

2. A computation of debts and credits, or a general statement of particular sums; as, the account stands thus; let him exhibit his account.

3. A computation or mode of reckoning; applied to other things, than money or trade; as the Julian account of time.

4. Narrative; relation; statement of facts; recital of particular transactions and events, verbal or written; as an account of the revolution in France. Hence,

5. An assignment of reasons; explanation by a recital of particular transactions, given by a person in an employment, or to a superior, often implying responsibility.

Give an account of thy stewardship. Luke, 16.

Without responsibility or obligation.

He giveth not account of his matters. Job, 33.

6. Reason or consideration, as a motive; as on all accounts, on every account.

7. Value; importance; estimation; that is, such a state of persons or things, as renders them worthy of more or less estimation; as men of account of him. Ps. 144.

8. Profit; advantage; that is, a result or production worthy of estimation. To find our account in a pursuit; to turn to account.

9. Regard; behalf; sake; a sense deduced from charges on book; as on account of public affairs.

Put that to mine account. Philem. 18.

To make account, that is, to have a pervious opinion or expectation, is a sense now obsolete.

A writ of account, in law, is a writ which the plaintiff brings demanding that the defendant should render his just account, or show good cause to the contrary; call also an action of account.



1. The state of being liable to answer for one's conduct; liability to give account, and to receive reward or punishment for actions.

The awful idea of accountability.

2. Liability to the payment of money or of damages; responsibility for a trust.



1. Liable to be called to account; answerable to a superior.

Every man is accountable to God for his conduct.

2. Subject to pay, or make good, in case of loss. A sheriff is accountable, as bailiff and receiver of goods.

Accountable for, that may be explained. Not elegant.


ACCOUNT'ABLENESS, n. Liableness to answer or to give account; the state of being answerable, or liable to the payment of money or damages.


ACCOUNT'ANT, n. One skilled in mercantile accounts; more generally, a person who keeps accounts; an officer in a public office who has charge of the accounts. In Great Britain, an officer in the court of chancery, who receives money and pays it to the bank, is call accountant-general.


ACCOUNT'ED, pp. Esteemed; deemed; considered; regarded; valued.

Accounted for, explained.


ACCOUNT'ING, ppr. Deeming; esteeming; reckoning; rendering an account.

Accounting for, rendering an account; assigning the reasons; unfolding the causes.

ACCOUNT'ING, n. The act of reckoning or adjusting accounts.