KJV Dictionary Definition: abide


ABI'DE, v. i. pert. and part. abode.

abada, to be, or exist, to continue; W. bod, to be; to dwell, rest, continue, stand firm, or be stationary for anytime indefinitely. Class Bd. No 7.

1. To rest, or dwell. Gen. xxix 19.

2. To tarry or stay for a short time. Gen. xxiv. 55.

3. To continue permanently or in the same state; to be firm and immovable. Ps. cxix. 90.

4. To remain, to continue. Acts, xxvii. 31. Eccles. viii. 15.

ABI'DE, v.t.

1. To wait for; to be prepared for; to await.

Bonds and afflictions abide me. Acts, 20:23.

For is here understood.

2. To endure or sustain.

To abide the indignation of the Lord. Joel 10.

3. To bear or endure; to bear patiently. "I cannot abide his impertinence."

This verb when intransitive, is followed by in or at before the place, and with before the person. "Abide with me - at Jerusalem or in this land." Sometimes by on, the sword shall abide on his cities; and in the sense of wait, by far, abide for me. Hosea, iii. 3. Sometimes by by, abide by the crib. Job, xxxix.

In general, abide by signifies to adhere to, maintain defend, or stand to, as to abide by a promise, or by a friend; or to suffer the consequences, as to abide by the event, that is, to be fixed or permanent in a particular condition.


ABI'DER, n. One who dwells or continues.


ABI'DING, ppr. Dwelling; remaining; continuing; enduring; awaiting.

ABI'DING, n. Continuance; fixed state; residence; an enduring.


ABI'DINGLY, adv. In a manner to continue; permanently.