KJV Dictionary Definition: recommend


RECOMMEND', v.t. re and commend.

1. To praise to another; to offer or commend to another's notice, confidence or kindness by favorable representations.

Maecenas recommended Virgil and Horace to Augustus.

In this sense, commend, though less common, is the preferable word.

2. To make acceptable.

A decent boldness ever meets with friends, succeeds, and ev'n a stranger recommends.

3. To commit with prayers.

Paul chose Silas and departed, being recommended by the brethren to the grace of God. Acts. 15.

Commend here is much to be preferred.


RECOMMEND'ABLE, a. That may be recommended; worthy of recommendation or praise.



1. The act of recommending or of commending; the act of representing in a favorable manner for the purpose of procuring the notice, confidence or civilities of another. We introduce a friend to a stranger by a recommendation of his virtues or accomplishments.

2. That which procures a kind or favorable reception. The best recommendation of a man to favor is politeness. Misfortune is a recommendation to our pity.


RECOMMEND'ED, pp. Praised; commended to another.


RECOMMEND'ER, n. One who commends.


RECOMMEND'ING, ppr. Praising to another; commending.