KJV Dictionary Definition: preservable


PRESERV'ABLE, a. See Preserve. That may be preserved.


PRESERVA'TION, n. The act of preserving or keeping safe; the act of keeping from injury, destruction or decay; as the preservation of life or health; the preservation of buildings from fire or decay; the preservation of grain from insects; the preservation of fruit or plants. When a thing is kept entirely from decay, or nearly in its original state, we say it is in a high state of preservation.


PRESERV'ATIVE, a. Having the power or quality of keeping safe from injury, destruction or decay; tending to preserve.

PRESERV'ATIVE, n. That which preserves or has the power of preserving; something that tends to secure a person or thing in a sound state, or prevent if from injury, destruction, decay or corruption; a preventive of injury or decay. Persons formerly wore tablets of arsenic, as preservatives against the plague. Clothing is a preservative against cold. Temperance and exercise are the best preservatives of health. Habitual reverence of the Supreme Being is an excellent preservative against sin and the influence of evil examples.


PRESERVE, v.t. prezerv'. Low L. proeservo; proe and servo, to keep.

1. To keep or save from injury or destruction; to defend from evil.

God did send me before you to preserve life. Gen.45.

O Lord, preserve me from the violent man. Ps. 140.

2. To uphold; to sustain.

O Lord, thou preservest man and beast. Ps.36.

3. To save from decay; to keep in a sound state; as, to preserve fruit in winter. Salt is used to preserve meat.

4. To season with sugar or other substances for preservation; as, to preserve plums, quinces or other fruit.

5. To keep or defend from corruption; as, to preserve youth from vice.

PRESERVE, n. preserv'. Fruit or a vegetable seasoned and kept in sugar or sirup.


PRESERV'ED, pp. Saved from injury, destruction or decay; kept or defended from evil; seasoned with sugar for preservation.


PRESERV'ER, n. The person or thing that preserves; one that saves or defends from destruction or evil.

What shall I do to thee, O thou preserver of men? Job.7.

1. One that makes preserves of fruits.


PRESERV'ING, ppr. Keeping safe from injury, destruction or decay; defending from evil.