KJV Dictionary Definition: endurable


ENDU'RABLE, a. That can be borne or suffered.


ENDU'RANCE, n. See Endure. Continuance; a state of lasting or duration; lastingness.

1. A bearing or suffering; a continuing under pain or distress without resistance, or without sinking or yielding to the pressure; sufferance; patience.

Their fortitude was most admirable in their presence and endurance of all evils, of pain, and of death.

2. Delay; a waiting for. Not used.


ENDU'RE, v.t. L. durus, duro.

1. To last; to continue in the same state without perishing; to remain; to abide.

The Lord shall endure forever. Ps.9.

He shall hold it his house fast, but it shall not endure. Job.8.

2. To bear; to brook; to suffer without resistance, or without yielding.

How can I endure to see the evil that shall come to my people? Esther 8.

Can thy heart endure, or thy hands be strong? Ezek. 22.

ENDU'RE, v.t. To bear; to sustain; to support without breaking or yielding to force or pressure. Metals endure a certain degree of heat without melting.

Both were of shining steel, and wrought so pure.

As might the strokes of two such arms endure.

1. To bear with patience; to bear without opposition or sinking under the pressure.

Therefore, I endure all things for the elect's sake. 2 Tim 2.

If ye endure chastening, God dealeth with you as with sons. Heb.12.

2. To undergo; to sustain.

I wish to die, yet dare not death endure.

3. To continue in. Not used.


ENDU'RED, pp. Borne; suffered; sustained.


ENDU'RER, n. One who bears, suffers or sustains.

1. He or that which continues long.


ENDU'RING, ppr. Lasting; continuing without perishing; bearing; sustaining; supporting with patience, or without opposition or yielding.

1. Lasting long; permanent.