KJV Dictionary Definition: emulate


EM'ULATE, v.t. L. oemulor; Gr. strife, contest.

1. To strive to equal or excel, in qualities or actions; to imitate, with a view to equal or excel; to vie with; to rival. Learn early to emulate the good and the great. Emulate the virtues and shun the vices of distinguished men.

2. To be equal to.

Thy eye would emulate the diamond.

3. To imitate; to resemble. Unusual.

Convulsion emulating the motion of laughter.

EM'ULATE, a. Ambitious. Little used.


EM'ULATED, pp. Rivaled; imitated.


EM'ULATING, ppr. Rivaling; attempting to equal or excel; imitating; resembling.


EMULA'TION, n. The act of attempting to equal or excel in qualities or actions; rivalry; desire of superiority, attended with effort to attain to it; generally in a good sense, or an attempt to equal or excel others in that which is praise-worthy, without the desire of depressing others. Rom.11. In a bad sense, a striving to equal or do more than others to obtain carnal favors or honors. Val.5.

1. An ardor kindled by the praise-worthy examples of others, inciting to imitate them, or to equal or excel them.

A noble emulation heats your breast.

2. Contest; contention; strife; competition; rivalry accompanied with a desire of depressing another.

Such factious emulations shall arise.


EM'ULATIVE, a. Inclined to emulation; rivaling; disposed to competition.


EM'ULATOR, , n. One who emulates; a rival; a competitor.


EMU'LE, v.t. To emulate. Not used.


EM'ULOUS, a. L. oemulus. Desirous or eager to imitate, equal or excel another; desirous of like excellence with another; with of; as emulous of another's example or virtues.

1. Rivaling; engaged in competition; as emulous Carthage.

2. Factious; contentious.


EM'ULOUSLY, adv. With desire of equaling or excelling another.