KJV Dictionary Definition: astonish


ASTON'ISH, v.t. L. attono, to astonish; ad and tono. See Tone and Stun.

To stun or strike dumb with sudden fear, terror, surprise or wonder; to amaze; to confound with some sudden passion.

I Daniel was astonished at the vision. Dan. 8.


ASTON'ISHED, pp. Amazed; confounded with fear, surprise, or admiration.


ASTON'ISHING, ppr. Amazing; confounding with wonder or fear.

ASTON'ISHING, a. Very wonderful; of a nature to excite great admiration, or amazement.


ASTON'ISHINGLY, adv. In a manner or degree to excite amazement.


ASTON'ISHMENT, n. Amazement; confusion of mind from fear, surprise or admiration, at an extraordinary or unexpected event.