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Old 09-07-2008, 07:47 PM
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it's true bro.

Did you see a gospel message on 911 road to tyranny? or any of his boradcast from his radio program? NO

he reports only the information that supports his views and leaves out the facts that don't.

be more involved in the truth of Gods word. We sholdn't be so wrapped up in the things of temporal.

for example:

We know from scripture that Satan will set up a one world order. He will gather all nations into one. you and I can't stop that becasue that is God permissive will. We know that the Jews are his chosen people and these nations will come against them.

here is another, we know the Anti-christ will put a mark on people (possibly only the Jews) to buy or sell. so what does a thumb scanners have to do with any of that? nothing. we will not be around when the Anti-christ shows up anyway.

we have all the facts in the Bible. we don't need outside sources to fill in the blanks. what does the fact of Washinton DC street plan laid out in a pentagram or other Masonic symblos have to do with Christians? Nothing.

the Bible says men are corrupt, so governments run by men are corrupt. the Bible says men are decietful, so the ways of the media and the governments and even every day man are full of lies and distortions. including some Christian men.

Let me restate something I said, he has not presented a Godly Biblical way of dealing with his conspiracy theories to a christian that may watch his videos or listen to his radio program. he promotes fear in people (including weak Christians) not hope.

and again I have heard enough and watched enough to know for a FACT. I have never heard or seen him present the gospel in any of his radio programs or videos. any Christian who abandons his Christian duty to reach the lost is in disobedience to the word of God and is waisting his time.

He has a great opportunity to reach the lost but he does not. If he did he would loose the support of the secular humanist, militants and other unsaved consiracy buffs that support him with cash gifts. and any Christian who would give him his money to support him when he doesn't present the gospel is a poor stewart with what God has given him.

Sorry if that hurts to hear it but that is Bible truth.
Old 09-07-2008, 08:50 PM
Scott Simons
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Originally Posted by chette777 View Post
it's true bro.

Did you see a gospel message on 911 road to tyranny? or any of his boradcast from his radio program? NO

he reports only the information that supports his views and leaves out the facts that don't.

be more involved in the truth of Gods word. We sholdn't be so wrapped up in the things of temporal.

for example:

We know from scripture that Satan will set up a one world order. He will gather all nations into one. you and I can't stop that becasue that is God permissive will. We know that the Jews are his chosen people and these nations will come against them.

here is another, we know the Anti-christ will put a mark on people (possibly only the Jews) to buy or sell. so what does a thumb scanners have to do with any of that? nothing. we will not be around when the Anti-christ shows up anyway.

we have all the facts in the Bible. we don't need outside sources to fill in the blanks. what does the fact of Washinton DC street plan laid out in a pentagram or other Masonic symblos have to do with Christians? Nothing.

the Bible says men are corrupt, so governments run by men are corrupt. the Bible says men are decietful, so the ways of the media and the governments and even every day man are full of lies and distortions. including some Christian men.

Let me restate something I said, he has not presented a Godly Biblical way of dealing with his conspiracy theories to a christian that may watch his videos or listen to his radio program. he promotes fear in people (including weak Christians) not hope.

and again I have heard enough and watched enough to know for a FACT. I have never heard or seen him present the gospel in any of his radio programs or videos. any Christian who abandons his Christian duty to reach the lost is in disobedience to the word of God and is waisting his time.

He has a great opportunity to reach the lost but he does not. If he did he would loose the support of the secular humanist, militants and other unsaved consiracy buffs that support him with cash gifts. and any Christian who would give him his money to support him when he doesn't present the gospel is a poor stewart with what God has given him.

Sorry if that hurts to hear it but that is Bible truth.
Wow, I have some work if I am going to get though to you. I will need to add you to my pray list and probably a fast also, I hope not, but what ever.

I would add one thing right away; it is to love your neighbor as yourself, and do unto others as you would have them do to you.
It is all about love brother.
Like I said I'll get back to this later, if time and space permits, but again you are so so very very wrong.
Old 09-08-2008, 04:38 AM
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There is not an unloving statment in any of what I shared. and it is in love of Gods word that I can judge these things. And it ain't all about love. You can love people all day and still be agaisnt the will of God, distort scriptures, and be a heretic.

if your gonna pray for me. please don't pray I wake up to the stuff of the world of Alex Jones. But that more souls will be led to Jesus Christ through our ministry, maturity and growth in our members, more deeper understanding for application of Gods word, and that we focus on the Hope of his soon coming return. Oh Yeah and More KJV Bibles we need them really bad

Last edited by chette777; 09-08-2008 at 04:54 AM.
Old 09-08-2008, 08:10 AM
Scott Simons
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Originally Posted by chette777 View Post
There is not an unloving statment in any of what I shared. and it is in love of Gods word that I can judge these things. And it ain't all about love. You can love people all day and still be agaisnt the will of God, distort scriptures, and be a heretic.

if your gonna pray for me. please don't pray I wake up to the stuff of the world of Alex Jones. But that more souls will be led to Jesus Christ through our ministry, maturity and growth in our members, more deeper understanding for application of Gods word, and that we focus on the Hope of his soon coming return. Oh Yeah and More KJV Bibles we need them really bad
The Bible I read is all about Love.
If someone is under attack and they are unaware and to know better and not warn them would be wrong, I would think that warning them would be the loving thing to do.
If you think rooted Christian are not amoung 911 truthers you are mistaken.

Also, I did not infer you said anything unloving, What I intented to said is that spreading the truth about what is going on in this country and as it goes the world, is an act of love. People that otherwise may reject hearing the gospel are apat to listen to Godly preaching if you feed them, cloth them, and warn them of danger, than if you just don't care.

Chette777 you seem to be rooted, please don't just reject this issue, there is wickness in high place that are way more advance than you may give them credit for.

God help us, God Bless you, and I would only pray what the Holy Ghost would lead me in, so God's love to you.

Old 09-08-2008, 08:14 PM
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The truth as to what is going on in this country is not our primary concern as Christians. reaching the Lost is.

Alex Jones has been corrected and instructed by better men than me. it is not that he is ignorant of the Bible stand. He just doesn't want to obey the Bible in presenting the Gospel. we all know why. he reaches more unsaved than saved my friend, but neglects to lead the lost in the ways of righteousness, and leads them only in rebellion. he who resists the ordained power is resisting God. Alex resists God and teaches the save and the lost to do so too. Romans 13

I know there is wickeness in high places as well as dark powers in the heavenlies, and I do not disagree with all what Alex is sharing. My Bible is clear, all Alex's work does is verify my Bible is true and lead people into fear. God has not given us a spirit of fear but of sound mind. a sound mind comes from the Bible not from Alex Jones.

the whole world lies under wickedness, and God's will is being worked out to bring about an end to the Devil and his work. the whole world is under a Satanic attack just not the US. the US has to go if the Antichrist is to come into power. Caios must come so that this false messiah can bring false peace. Even so come Lord Jesus come.

we are not to hinder but to PRAY and to lead the lost to Christ.

and like a I said attched to my last posts, ALEX has never presented the Gospel to the Lost. And now you are echoing his words that he assumes we Christians are just standing by doing nothing. which is far from the truth.

I wont waist any more of my time with Him nor support him until I see a clear Gospel message presented on every show and radio praogram of his. then and only then will I prayerfully conider it.

I press on to upward hieghts, leaning not on my own understanding but trusting in God and His word for all things.

I am only rooted in scripture truth. Not conjecture and grossly misrepresented facts (lies by any other name). my foundation is firm and I fear not those things to come for I know whom I have believed. and it ain't Alex Jones.

Elijah presented the gospel of his day to the people of his day. Alex Jones does not present the Gosple of this day to the people. he is nothing like Elijah nor is he Elijah to come.

It seems you are to much into worshipping celebrities. beware idol worship comes in many forms and is subtle. you seem to be sticking up for a man who is in disobedence to Gods clear written word, rather than you are for wht the Bible says.

Test the spirits to see if they be of God. any man who is a christian and tells the world what is to come and fails to give them the words of eternal life. Is not in the will of God. he warns people of temporal worldly powers but fails to warn them of HELL.

we can judge thus because we have the Holy Ghost and the Holy Bible.

and you better reread your Bible it has more to say on judgement than love. it is not all about love, but it is about the Righteousness of an Almighty God

Last edited by chette777; 09-08-2008 at 08:26 PM.
Old 09-08-2008, 10:27 PM
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Originally Posted by chette777 View Post

The truth as to what is going on in this country is not our primary concern as Christians. reaching the Lost is.
Brother in all darkness a light shines! You could not have hit the nail on the head any harder than this brother Chette. We Christians should be so preoccupied with preching the gospel and reaching out to the lost with the good news of Christ Jesus that this whole political mess becomes second place (if that) by default. The best way to change a nation is to change the hearts of the people for Jesus Christ.

a fool for Jesus,
Old 09-09-2008, 04:40 AM
Scott Simons
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Originally Posted by chette777 View Post

and you better reread your Bible it has more to say on judgement than love. it is not all about love, but it is about the Righteousness of an Almighty God
Sorry we disagree, I hope you are able to reach the lost with your gospel of judgment and Righteousness, I will do my best to reach them with the gospel of love, because; I will believe the bible teaches it is all about love.

I just may be to simple minded but that is how I precieve the words of God. I am going to warn the lost and show them the love of God and do it in tatum. I just don't think we see eye to eye on these things and the Holy Ghost will have to interviene if we are going too.
But I pretty much disagree with everything you say.

My heart is sad with what judgment the precieved church is going to face in the great falling away, as they help facilliate the anti-christ and the system that will ensalve the world.
I really don't thing it is God's will but there is people who do. Because the word of God say it is going to happen before Jesus returns I don't think it is faithful to ignore it.

It is so much more difficult to reach the lost when they have been dumbed down to the level that they can not even read, they are posioned, sick, ensalved, distracted, and on and on and on and on.

How did we get here? What did we nelgect? I will not vote for the lesser of two evils. I will vote for Chuck Badwin for the Constitutial Party, he is a Christian and knows that 911 was an inside job.

Christitan that know 911 was and inside job, know what we are facing and it isn't pretty.

So much resistance and judgment from those that should be helping.

God have mercy on us.

But woe unto you, Pharisees! for ye tithe mint and rue and all manner of herbs, and pass over judgment and the love of God: these ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone. Luke 11:42

Thus speaketh the LORD of hosts, saying, Execute true judgment, and shew mercy and compassions every man to his brother: Zechariah 7:9

God help us.
Old 09-09-2008, 08:26 AM
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Originally Posted by Scott Simons View Post
Christitan that know 911 was and inside job,
This kind of kooky nonsense does more to harm your testimony than you can imagine.

In all of Paul's writings, do you ever see him rebelling against the governments he mentions? Do you see him focusing on the details of political intrigue?

No! He tells you of spiritual wickedness in high places and then tells you to obey your government! The Roman government was full of intrigue, and yet Paul doesn't focus on any of it. Why would you add it to the Gospel!?

God has a plan for the powers that be. It is not for us to engage in resistance to it, even if this conspiracy theory stuff is true. (And most of it is just fantasy!)

We (US citizens) live in a country that happens to give us the privilege of helping to select our political leaders. This is not a right. And no matter what people think, the Bible does not proscribe our form of government.

If you want to vote (as I do), then vote for whomever you believe is best for your country. If you don't want to vote, that's fine too. But don't do what you are doing -- marrying the Gospel with conspiracy theories. When you do that, you present another gospel.

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