KJV Dictionary Definition: remediable


REME'DIABLE, a. from remedy. That may be remedied or cured. The evil is believed to be remediable.


REME'DIAL, a. L. remedialis. Affording a remedy; intended for a remedy, or for the removal of an evil.

The remedial part of law is so necessary a consequence of the declaratory and directory, that laws without it must be very vague and imperfect. Statutes are declaratory of remedial.


REME'DIATE, in the sense of remedial, is not in use.


REM'EDIED, pp. from remedy. Cured; healed; repaired.


REM'EDY, n. L. remedium; re and medeor, to heal.

1. That which cures a disease; any medicine or application which puts an end to disease and restores health; with for; as a remedy for the gout.

2. That which counteracts an evil of any kind; with for, to or against; usually with for. Civil government is the remedy for the evils of natural liberty. What remedy can be provided for extravagance in dress? The man who shall invent an effectual remedy for intemperance, will deserve every thing from his fellow men.

3. That which cures uneasiness.

Our griefs how swift, our remedies how slow.

4. That which repairs loss or disaster; reparation.

In the death of a man there is no remedy.


REM'EDYING, ppr. Curing; healing; removing; restoring from a bad to a good state.