KJV Dictionary Definition: burnish


BURN'ISH, v.t. To polish by friction; to make smooth, bright and glossy; as, to burnish steel.

BURN'ISH, v.i. To grow bright or glossy.

BURN'ISH, n. Gloss; brightness; luster.


BURN'ISHED, pp. Polished; made glossy.


BURN'ISHER, n. The person who polishes,or makes glossy.

1. An instrument used in polishing, of different kinds. It may be a piece of round polished steel, a dog's or wolf's tooth, a piece of copper, agate or pebble. &c. It is used for giving a gloss or smoothness to metals, to the edges of books, &c.


BURN'ISHING, ppr. Polishing; making smooth and glossy.