KJV Dictionary Definition: adulterant


ADUL'TERANT, n. The person or thing that adulterates.


ADUL'TERATE, v.t. L. adultero, from adulter, mixed, or an adulterer; ad and alter, other.

To corrupt, debase, or make impure by an admixture of baser materials; as, to adulterate liquors, or the coin of a country.

ADUL'TERATE, v.i. To commit adultery. Obs.

ADUL'TERATE, a. Tainted with adultery; debased by foreign mixture.


ADUL'TERATED, pp. Corrupted; debased by a mixture with something of less value.


ADUL'TERATENESS, n. The quality or state of being debased or counterfeit.


ADUL'TERATING, ppr. Debasing; corrupting; counterfeiting.


ADULTERA'TION, n. The act of adulterating, or the state of being adulterated, corrupted or debased by foreign mixture.

The adulteration of liquors, of drugs, and even of bread and beer, is common, but a scandalous crime.


ADUL'TERER, n. L. adulter.

1. A man guilty of adultery; a man who has sexual commerce with any married woman, except his wife. See Adultery.

2. In scripture, an idolator. Ezek. 23.

3. An apostate from the true faith, or one who violates his covenant engagements; a very wicked person. Jer. 9 and 23.

4. One devoted to earthly things. James, 4.



1. Guilty of adultery; pertaining to adultery.

2. In scripture, idolatrous, very wicked. Mat. 12 and 16. Mark, 8.