KJV Dictionary Definition: ablative


AB'LATIVE, a. L.ablativus; L. ablatus, from aufero, to carry away, of ab and fero.

A word applied to the sixth case of nouns in the Latin language, in which case are used words when the actions of carrying away, or taking from, are signified.

Ablative absolute, is when a word in that case, is independent, in construction, of the rest of the sentence.


ABLE, a. a'bl. L. habitis

1. Having physical power sufficient; having competent power or strength, bodily or mental; as a man able to perform military service - a child is not able to reason on abstract subjects.

2. Having strong or unusual powers of mind, or intellectual qualifications; as an able minister.

Provide out of all Israel able men. Ex. 18.

3. Having large or competent property; or simply have property, or means.

Every man shall give as he is able. Deut. 16.

4. Having competent strength or fortitude.

He is not able to sustain such pain or affliction.

5. Having sufficient knowledge or skill.

He is able to speak French.

She is not able to play on the piano.

6. Having competent moral power or qualifications.

An illegitimate son is not able to take by inheritance.


A'BLENESS, n. Ability of body or mind; force; vigor; capability.


A'BLER, and A'BLEST, Comp. and superl. of able.