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Old 04-05-2009, 12:56 PM
joseph joseph is offline
Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 2
Default The Peshitta

Hi, Im hoping someone can help me with this question. I have been very encouraged in my own faith by the convictiont that the KJV is truly the inspired word of God. I have been solidified in this conviction by reading the history of the Bible and seeing how God has preserved His word through the ages.

Occasionally though, I come across something that I can't quite answer. Recently, I was researching a little about the Peshitta. I found several sites that are critical of KJV "onlyism" and point out that the Peshitta and the KJV differ in quite a few places. Here is an example of sone site that makes this point.

I would appreciated any comments that any of you would have on this topic. Thanks.

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