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Some excellent points that you make! You're right that much of the music in church is more like ENTERTAINMENT - it isn't really glorifying God. And yes! The focus is on the INDIVIDUAL - what THEY do. That's horrifying! The focus ought to be on the LORD and what He has DONE! When I see performers, who claim to be Christians, swaying and "getting lost" in the music - I don't see it glorifying the Lord, nor edifying Christians. Like any performer, they undoubtedly LOVE the APPLAUSE! Like any rock stars, they no doubt get a "rush" being on stage and hearing that applause. What are we honoring and glorifying HUMANS for? Where is the glory to the Lord in that? I just don't see it - nor do I FEEL it. What I feel, from modern Christian rock or rap, is UNHOLY. Even though I can't hear, my gut instinct tells me that this music is anything BUT holy. I wonder how much of the money earned by popular Christian music "stars" goes for the "great commission" - or do they consider their performance as being the "great commission"? Like any rock stars, they have a following, and I've watched performances of these popular Christian "rock" stars on TV, and have seen people in the audience swaying with their hands raised and their eyes closed, almost in a trance-like state, just into THEMSELVES and the FEELINGS that they have. It's the same FEELINGS that any rock music conjures up... nothing different about it. Yes, it's emotional sentamentalism. That is the reason for the popularity of rock or pop music. And it's the same emotional sentimentalism that I see in the followers of such music. Using "love songs" and singing them to the LORD is so off-base! It makes it seem like they are in love with LOVE, and the feeling that that elicits, rather than HAVING LOVE for the LORD. I'm still happy that I am deaf, in today's world. The Lord God has his reasons for ALLOWING certain things to occur. My deafness had a purpose. It wasn't caused by SIN... but it was allowed to bring me CLOSER to the Lord and to give me the ability to hear his still, small voice. Amidst the din of today's music, it's very difficult to hear the voice of God. Jassy |
Hello All,
Thanks for the links and I will get around to checking them out this weekend while I am out of town playing. I greatly appreciate the honest words and the subtle rebuke as related by a story shared by pbiwolski. This is nothing new to me and a struggle. No offense taken as I know none was intended. A little more info, if you like. There is no question in my mind as to what is behind music. God created it and Satan corrupted. I have even seen it suggested that Lucifer was a chief musician before, but I can't remember how, why and where. My concerns: I am constantly being asked to play, be hired, etc. at churches to perform "worship" music. I have never felt the prompting of the spirit to get involved in this in anyways. My heart is right towards GOD, I just don't want to contribute to that in a house of the LORD. Having said that I am a professional musician, that means I earn the income for my wife and I by performing music. I tour with a major instrumental band for a 2-3 months out of the year. I am the only Christian involved in that organization by a long shot. It is not the typical drudgery some might think about when they contemplate a touring group, but their are way more subtle issues. (like the serpent is subtle) On the last tour I was given the chance to witness to probably around 15-20 people in a verbal manner. Many others through my daily walk. It is obvious that I am a "CHRISTIAN". Many don't like that, but they aren't in charge of the corporation. I know many of you probably know and enjoy the music. Another group plays music from the 80's - today and works on the weekends when I am in town. It is not the worst situation I have been involved with in my career but it can be a drag sometimes. There is me, a Catholic, an emergent and a "former" christian who is now an evolutionist/biologist. God has been working in that circle I Believe. I also teach privately and am very blessed with a full student load. It is difficult to make a living in the music profession playing hymns. I do not want to send my wife back into the work field. (We decided that she would stay at home and manage the castle when we got married. We are trying to honor GOD's plan for marriage by doing so. No offense to working ladies btw.) The above stated facts and economy make it difficult to live. It is not about playing music for me, it is about surviving and providing for my home. I can't at this time stop performing, send my wife into the work-field and sell everything, although I desire a change. That is why I pray for GOD to lead me in my musical endeavors and to SLAM doors shut where he doesn't want me. (blockhead's prayers) Believe me when I say that I don't go through every open door. Say a little prayer for me. Brother-Smith Last edited by Brother-Smith; 07-16-2009 at 08:15 PM. Reason: Clarity. I should follow my own advice. |
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There are brothers here that witness and hand-out Bible tracts in some pretty seedy areas of town: outside of bars or strip joints, etc. Those are people that really need to hear about salvation by faith. There are none too sinful that the Lord cannot wash and save them with His Blood. I am pleased that you are a believer and that you're using your testimony to witness to people in faith, wherever you find yourself. Some believers, like Paul, may end up in JAIL. Does that make them a criminal - because of the "digs" that they inhabit. Of course not! It's difficult to make ends meet in these tough economic times. It is admirable that your wish is for your wife to remain at home. I don't know that it would be better for her to go out of the home and work, than for you to be a musician. I've read that about Satan and music. Some people think that parts of Satan's body were made up of musical instruments! I do recall reading something about that, but don't recall where I read it - and they backed it up with various scriptures. But it was Satan's choice to use music for the wrong purposes and to turn something meant to be beautiful into something dischordant and ugly. Brother, just pray for the will of God and He will lead you in the right path, as far as work goes. Philippians 4:6 - "Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God." Jassy |
It seems to me that what we think of as "christian" music is a cultural thing. I have countless christian music tapes and CD's that I bought thinking I should like them because I am a christian. I listened to them once and they did absolutely nothing for me so I put them in a drawer. They are like christian "muzak" (elevator music) to me. The "Christian" music that moves me the most is some of Bob Dylan's songs: What Can I Do For You, When He Returns, Saving Grace, I Believe In You and Pressing On. A few of Keith Green's songs, too(some written by his wife). Those are real to me and I am overcome with emotion in a good way like I have been in church before singing some of the great old hymns. I think any one of us who goes out into the workplace is forced to make compromises in order to earn a living. My husband works for a cable company that has pornography channels. I worked for a drug company that sells drugs that I believe destroy people's minds, health and lives. I work for a corporation that sells kids and women's clothing some of which are ungodly. Bob Dylan obviously got saved while he was a superstar. He touched a lot of people with his christian songs. As a new christian he wasn't grounded in the truth that he is saved by grace through faith alone and that he couldn't become "unsaved" by his conduct. He lost his way, he couldn't resist the piper's call and drifted back into service to the devil. In my view, there's no way that man isn't saved. I would never say that all secular music is inherently evil. Musical and song writing ability come from God. These musicians who make a deal with the devil do it to gain money and fame, not to gain their talent. The devil offers them the riches of this world, in the same way that he offered them to Jesus. I believe that it's the state of your heart that counts; does your conscience condemn you? If not, I believe you are without sin. If it does, then God will open another door for you. Last edited by greenbear; 07-16-2009 at 09:55 PM. |
The entire educational system that I worked within is notorious for supporting evolution and being anti-Creationist. Jassy |
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I honestly believe that many churches could keep going as normal today even if there was no ministry from the pulpit or the Bible. But if you took away the rock music they wouldn't stay very long would they? Spiritual life in the 21st century is far different than what it was when I first believed. Then the life was in the word now its in the volume. My soul used to thump intensely - now its my ears! God bless PaulB |
I was not raised in the church. I never had any dealings with the body of Christ until later in life.
God had been trying to draw me (read John ch.6) for many years, but I was quite content living in my sin. He didn't quite get me until 1992, and when He did, I still resisted His calling for some time. But when I finally bowed to Him, took up the KJV (Sword of the Spirit, Eph. ch. 6), then things really started to fall into place. I wanted to know Christ and the power of His resurrection. I became hungry for the word of God. Now, I know people that where raised in the church, and all they want is the "new way to worship". The current music (it is not neutral) is written in todays language for todays people. As compared to the older hymns that had depth and substance. We need to get back to the basics, a solid foundation and not the sinking sand the we are currently building on with shallow faith and music that has the theological depth of a kiddie pool. |
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