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Old 03-03-2008, 10:06 AM
Pastor Mikie
Posts: n/a

Something else I marvel at is:

I've had a few folks get offended at my style of music (not many, though) and found out what they listened to at home was the same style or similar.

If you listen to a certain style of music, why not have some redeeming value along with it. If a song draws you to Jesus, what's evil about that?

I remember I sang a song called, "The Rapture Blues" about a man who missed the rapture. Some commotion took place in the second row of the church. I thought someone was highly offended. Come to find out that a woman came under conviction and gave her heart to Jesus. She got SAVED! What's evil about that? Was the fact it was in the "Blues" style it was somehow evil?

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