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Old 03-31-2008, 09:50 AM
Clyde Harris
Posts: n/a
Default From the 'King' of 'Kings',Through a King, For Kings

The King James Bible, “From the king, through a King, for Kings.”

The King James AV 1611-1769-1900 Bible is the Holy Ghost dictated, inerrant, infallible, uncompromised word of God for English speaking Christians.

It was spoken by the King of Kings, a work sanctioned by a King, (King James), and written for a Kingdom of priest, (the believers, the Melchesidic Kingdom Priesthood). What more fitting way could the purified seventh edition of the Word of God have been transmitted!

The King James Bible has been cherished by English speaking Christians for well over 400 years. It has spawned great revivals in early American History. It has led countless millions to the saving grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.

From the pages of this Holy Bible; Words have been spoken in faith by believers and;

People have been healed, ‘’
Set free from demonic hold and influence,
Lives have been transformed,
Family curses have been eradicated,
Christians finances have turned around,
Worldwide ministries have been born,
Remote cultures with no knowledge of Jesus have received Jesus Christ’s salvation,
Illiterate people have learned to read from its Holy pages,
Bullets have been stopped,
People on the brink of suicide have turned the lives around,
Prostitutes have stopped their life style,
Homosexuals have been turned around,
Marriages have been restored,
Families have been put back together,
Many have been healed of various physical problems,
Internal organs have been re-newed,
In addition, entire Nations have been blessed;

These are just a small sampling of the things that can be attributed to the Pages of the King James Bible. Which came forth from the first English translation, from the original Greek and Hebrew language manuscripts by Tyndale and continued through Coverdale, Matthew, the Great Bible, Geneva Bible, and Bishops Bible, culminating in the King James AV 1611-1769-1900 edition Bible.

This lineage satisfies seven purifications of Gods’ word spoken of in, Psalms 12:6.

However, now modern scholar revisionist and publishing companies are busy telling the Christian community that this time tested Holy Word of God is in error and is no longer worthy to be followed.

Many of the prefaces of modern Bibles tell us that the King James Bible has many problems and errors. Here is an exact word for word quote from the preface of the RV of The 1800’s by, ‘Thomas Nelson & Sons Publishing Company’.
In the sixth paragraph of the preface, they praise it for quote, "its prose, simplicity, its dignity, its power, its happy turns of expression… the music of its cadences, and the felicities of its rhythms". Then they state in the very last sentence of the sixth paragraph, Quote,” We owe it an incalculable debt”.

Now listen to the very first sentence of the seventh paragraph of this same preface, we read, Quote; "Yet the King James Version has grave defects".

Right after the prior high praising of the King James Bible, they rip it to shreds with misinformation about grave defects, based on faulty minority manuscripts. Notice also their terminology in calling the King James a version instead of the Bible.

They are very cleverly planting into the minds of the reader the faulty assumption that the King James after all is just a version. This kind of propaganda clears the way for their perversion. If they can convince the reader that the King James is, just another in along line of versions, then another version would not be suspect to being a perversion. On the other hand if they rightly admit and classify the King James as the Holy Bible in English, they can not rightly justify another, different textual reading of the Holy Bible, there can only be one true Holy Bible containing Gods’ word in English, and it has been in print for the past 400 years, THE KING JAMES AV 1611-1769-1900 edition BIBLE.

May the Holy Ghost (Holy Spirit) speak to your heart concerning the attack on Gods’ word.

Blessings in the Lord Jesus Christ

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