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Old 07-18-2009, 11:11 PM
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greenbear greenbear is offline
Join Date: May 2009
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Posts: 492

I would suggest maybe that the normal burial today vs. Jewish burial I referenced to (Old Testament) is just as heathen as cremation due to the fact we duplicate (in part) the Egyptians in regards to embalming, preserving the body into the afterlife. I'm sure there is someone that would disagree with that, but there's a big difference in wrapping a body in linen, putting it in the ground vs the process of burial today. Embalmed and preserved for what............? I'm sure the environmentalists or maybe someone here would argue that point.
07-18-2009 08:30 PM
You make an excellent point. This oughta teach you never to ask a question on this forum.

At least we stayed on topic.

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