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Old 04-22-2009, 08:33 PM
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Tony, Barry has put out the welcome mat to his quaint little forum (I'm teasing, Barry),

It would be a better place to debate this topic than FFF. Much less interference from frothing multi-versionists (although roby does lurk there).

HOWEVER, you must play nice, Tony! I am vouching for you. Barry is an okay guy. He just got hit really hard in the head when he was at Bible College and has never been quite right since.
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Old 04-23-2009, 07:01 AM
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Originally Posted by Brother Tim View Post
Tony, Barry has put out the welcome mat to his quaint little forum (I'm teasing, Barry),

It would be a better place to debate this topic than FFF. Much less interference from frothing multi-versionists (although roby does lurk there).

HOWEVER, you must play nice, Tony! I am vouching for you. Barry is an okay guy. He just got hit really hard in the head when he was at Bible College and has never been quite right since.
Let not your heart be troubled brother, you got it. 3 forums is going to be a burden, but I have handled it before The meddling MVs don't bother me in the least.

You might also want to shout "incoming!", Part Two of this study debuts today.

Grace and peace

Old 04-23-2009, 05:34 PM
Winman Winman is offline
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Today I got over to the FFF and viewed this thread that was copied and pasted by FreeSundaySchoolLessons. Boy, he does not like you very much.

What other threads over there are you involved in? Gotta admit, I love to watch a good fight, my Dad and three of his brothers were Golden-gloves, it's in the blood.
Old 04-23-2009, 09:01 PM
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Originally Posted by Winman View Post

Today I got over to the FFF and viewed this thread that was copied and pasted by FreeSundaySchoolLessons. Boy, he does not like you very much.

What other threads over there are you involved in? Gotta admit, I love to watch a good fight, my Dad and three of his brothers were Golden-gloves, it's in the blood.
Right now, Win, I am only active in Barry's challenge to me, the editorial to "tommybones", part two of this study comes up shortly, give them something to gnash their teeth over. I am only in the bible version threads, and I'll keep you posted brother.

My two brothers boxed in the Army, I took up martial arts(akido) as a child in self defense.

Grace and peace

Old 05-05-2009, 02:48 AM
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Barry's first port of call was to some confession of men...

God inspired His Word when He gave it. This is orthodox. The Westminster Confession speaks of this and it is a part of the Fundamentals constructed at the Niagara Bible Conference. We, who believe modern versions are inspired, believe that they are inspired only if they agree with the Greek and Hebrew originals. The KJV, NIV, NASB, ESV are inspired because they derive inspiration from the originals.
I don't think I need to point out at least four huge errors and assumptions in that introductory paragraph of his.
Old 05-05-2009, 01:16 PM
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Originally Posted by Luke View Post
Barry's first port of call was to some confession of men...

I don't think I need to point out at least four huge errors and assumptions in that introductory paragraph of his.
I know brother. He sometimes don't seem rational. He rolls all the manuscripts and versions into a blob without any distinction between them, well, I'm pointing out errors and assumptions.

The writing that is the subject of this thread is a red flag, but the gospel of Christ is a red flag to a lot of people too.

Grace and peace to you Luke.

Old 05-13-2009, 08:39 PM
cb6445 cb6445 is offline
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Bro Tony, wanted to say thank you for this post! Wanted to tell all (most) of you men, thank you! The posts you make on here do not go unheard. I have read and will continue to read as many of these posts that I possibly can. I am young (in age and the word) and I have learned more since I started this post, then probably anywhere else. Just wanted you men to know that your studies and posts are not going "unheard." Keep it up, I am learning (good and bad) a lot!! Thank you again, and may God Bless each of you!!
Old 05-13-2009, 09:50 PM
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You know what I think the MVers are thinking when they use the word "Inpired"....

Have you ever seen a cd cover for a soundtrack of a movie? Often, the soundtrack cover will say things like "Music Inspired by the Movie". Only the music on the soundtrack is sometimes not even found in the movie.

That is how I think MVer's work.. they believe the words in the MV's are inspired by God, but only in a "feel good" kind of way. Kind of like "That sermon was inspiring!", "that song was inspiring!" etc...
Old 05-13-2009, 11:31 PM
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Originally Posted by cb6445 View Post
Bro Tony, wanted to say thank you for this post! Wanted to tell all (most) of you men, thank you! The posts you make on here do not go unheard. I have read and will continue to read as many of these posts that I possibly can. I am young (in age and the word) and I have learned more since I started this post, then probably anywhere else. Just wanted you men to know that your studies and posts are not going "unheard." Keep it up, I am learning (good and bad) a lot!! Thank you again, and may God Bless each of you!!
Clint, as I told Tandi in another thread, you will attend a "Christian" college and never get the education you will in this forum. Is that conceit? No, fact. We cut to the bone and pull no punches and keep it lean and mean(understandable and on a common man's level, not "mean" as in cruel). Follow along with your Bible open and don't hesitate to ask questions. Pray for wisdom and God will show you what He wants and needs for you to know. Always go with your Bible if the whole world goes against you. You are allowed to ask questions and have differing opinions. That's how we learn. Never stray from the gospel of Christ, that's our whole purpose. Pastoring, deaconing, "music ministries", are all secondary and important to the visible organization, but an army is not made up of supply and support: It's made up of soldiers.

Respect your elders in the Lord, a man who is 40 years older than you has been 40 miles farther down the road than you, yet don't let anyone despise thy youth. Keep your eyes on the front lines. This is not a carnal war, but a spiritual one.

Grace and peace to you Clint, we'll meet before long, I want to personally deliver a load of Bibles to you.


Last edited by tonybones2112; 05-13-2009 at 11:33 PM. Reason: typo
Old 05-14-2009, 12:29 AM
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Originally Posted by Luke View Post
You know what I think the MVers are thinking when they use the word "Inpired"....

Have you ever seen a cd cover for a soundtrack of a movie? Often, the soundtrack cover will say things like "Music Inspired by the Movie". Only the music on the soundtrack is sometimes not even found in the movie.

That is how I think MVer's work.. they believe the words in the MV's are inspired by God, but only in a "feel good" kind of way. Kind of like "That sermon was inspiring!", "that song was inspiring!" etc...
I agree with you Luke, a soundtrack from a movie merely conveys the "feeling" of the movie, sort of a dynamic eqivalency rather than a formal one?

Grace and peace


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