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Old 07-31-2009, 02:18 AM
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PaulB PaulB is offline
Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: The Northwest of England
Posts: 158
Default One question!

How is it possible (whether indirectly or directly) for one to label another a “Pharisee”, a “Sophist” or someone who has a “problem with the Bible” without judging someone?

Verses like Mt.7:1 are addressing exactly what is happening on this forum (i.e. coming down on those who feel like they have the moral high ground, when it is fact they who are in the wrong!)

Not only that, but some people on this forum are so quick to pounce on the case of a select few newcomers and are guilty of doing the very things that they are criticising others for.
To come down on another by applying the verse “judge not” is an act of judging in itself!

God bless


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