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Old 07-07-2009, 07:16 PM
custer custer is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Columbia KY
Posts: 74

Originally Posted by chette777 View Post
Ok, I misjudged peoples thought action including yours. could you perhaps have done the same in understanding Bro George's statement? you will have to have more grace than normal in reading posts and just don't read to much into it. Just take the words consider if you disagree that is ok. I could not see that he threw a tantrum in his response to you.

both would be fine.

I think we can all safely move back to the original topic of the thread.
Ummm, it sounds like from your post that maybe you haven't seen George's full assessment of me! There's some on the Love and Race thread as well as the Biblical Marriage one - maybe more on the Love and Race, I don't remember right off hand. Anyway, my point is that his ATTACKS were on ME personally, not on any info or scripture that I provided...I'm saying that I (and everyone reading) understood him perfectly; he was rather clear - there was no way to misunderstand and no cause to read too much into it!

I am only clarifying this further because it is EXACTLY the kind of thing that Bro. Parrish was talking about. (Correct me if I'm wrong, Bro. Parrish!)


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