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Old 03-14-2009, 10:27 AM
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Originally Posted by Kiwi Christian View Post
There is more than one "sea" on this earth, I think you'll find that the "sea" in Rev 21:1 is a reference to the huge body of water above the firmament which is "frozen" in Job 38:30-31, this sea is "the deep" of Genesis 1:2.

Good observation Tony, but looking at this again I stand corrected and find that the first mention of the lake of fire buring is Rev 19:20 which happens at the end of the Tribulation at the battle of Armageddon!

Revelation 19:20 And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.

So it looks like it WILL be burning during the Millennium.
Yep, and Psalms 105:8-11 also...

He hath remembered his covenant for ever, the word which he commanded to a thousand generations. Which covenant he made with Abraham, and his oath unto Isaac; And confirmed the same unto Jacob for a law, and to Israel for an everlasting covenant: Saying, Unto thee will I give the land of Canaan, the lot of your inheritance:

God keeps his promises. You could be right about the geography of the new earth, with the land of promise being in the same location. I'll keep in mind your comments about the Dead Sea, I'm not completely dismissing the theory.
Matt, I really appreciate this forum where we can have fun and enjoyment; I believe you said something to the effect to George or Brother Parrish that it was neat that we can have these little studies we do and we can say, well, I stand corrected, without some Pharisee saying, I TOLD YOU SO!!!

Buddy, you want to see some hateful, vicious people, there is(was?) a forum called the "Fighting Funsadametalist Forum", most hate filled bunch of people I ever saw. I wasn't there long, but noticed most the messages were from 2005 and none after. They remind me of that bunch of rednecks who bashed Jack Nicholson's head in with axe handles towards the end of EASY RIDER.

Brother, you and Stephen think I'm off the wall about the location of the lake of fire, you ain't heard my belief on "ghosts" and the "cold spot", he he.

Hey, it's all good.

Grace and peace to you


Last edited by tonybones2112; 03-14-2009 at 10:29 AM. Reason: coreected typo(misspelling) my keyboard is dying
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Old 03-14-2009, 10:40 AM
Winman Winman is offline
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I like what Kiwi said also

There is more than one "sea" on this earth, I think you'll find that the "sea" in Rev 21:1 is a reference to the huge body of water above the firmament which is "frozen" in Job 38:30-31, this sea is "the deep" of Genesis 1:2.
I have often wondered about these waters above the firmament.

Gen 1:6 And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. 7 And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so. 8 And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day. 9 And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so.

So, as Kiwi said, perhaps this "sea" or waters above the firmament will no longer exist. I gotta tell you, as a fellow that grew up on the beach in Florida who used to surf, I am hoping the seas will still be here. I don't know if we'll be allowed to do things like surfing in heaven, but I sure hope so.

We do know there is water in heaven

Rev 22:1 And he shewed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb.
Old 03-14-2009, 10:56 AM
Bro. Parrish
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Originally Posted by tonybones2112 View Post
They remind me of that bunch of rednecks who bashed Jack Nicholson's head in with axe handles towards the end of EASY RIDER.
LOL, that is hilarious brother...
we only act that way when liberal Christians come in here and attack the KJV...
Old 03-14-2009, 12:49 PM
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Originally Posted by Bro. Parrish View Post
LOL, that is hilarious brother...
we only act that way when liberal Christians come in here and attack the KJV...
Brother Parrish, once upon a time I went to hear a very prominent KJV defender speak; I was with the (then)pastor of a church I was in from the ground floor, I was there when it started though I was not considered a "founding" member. See, I owned a TV and watched it. Yet I went, (in jeans and flannel shirt, God looketh upon the heart, not the outer appearance)with a brother who is 6:3 and a former Marine drill instructor and another brother who is 5:7 and made up for lack of physical power with facial expression. We wanted to see if this KJV defender would discuss a Spanish New testament being represented as a "KJV in Spanish" that was actually the ASV in Spanish. The prominent KJV defender was quickly ushered out and any attempts by our pastor to address the brother in a Christian manner petered out, so to speak due to the fact of several young men who were bodybuilders(They were attired in suit would have made John Gotti weep with envy). Arm Twisters & Strong Arm Bodyguards For Christ. Though we went bearing precious seed we were somewhat rudely ushered out. I stood at the bottom of the steps and asked anyone in the crowd want to go down on the street where Christ is not named and witness with us? One of the young bodybuilders said rather loudly that, yeah, we were going donw to look at some leg. Some young families with children present stopped and stared at them, I thought these people would, whats the phrase, "sneeze kittens" in disgust? I said if you boys want a fight, come fight the devil on the street. To quote Amish from BRAVE HEART, theh gut ahll drrressed oop fer noothin'. They had to have the last word. The pastor of the church(now a "doctor") followed me out to my overpowered MOPAR and said I hurt those boys feelings and should apologize to them. I told him if any stepped off the stoop before we were all out of the parking lot I would circumcise them with a bloody husband knife(a small flint dagger, don't leave home without it) and then make them eunuchs. I used to be a bouncer in a biker bar that became a gay bar and closed after a week due to drug dealing by the new owners, I was a vending machine tech who had to service five adult bookstores who were overseen by a sergeant supervisor of the local police dept. on his days off. I guess my point is that Voltaire' once said there are men who can't control their families so they retreat to the attic to rule the world(as Karl Marx). I guess there are men who can't rule their apostate tendencies and retreat to the internet where they can rule the doctrine of inspiration. I'm not impressed with thug-enforcers, especially if they carry Bibles. I'm not impressed with Christians who think running a ministry is like an epsiode of The Sopranos. I'm not impressed with "Christians" who play the JW Shell Game of trying to say II Tim. 3:16 refers only to the "original manuscripts" when an 8 year old Sunday school child could rip his argument apart.

Bro. Parrish I have written ye in a small letter and depart with two questions: Is the weapons of our warfare carnal? And has the long held secret that will destroy Christianity, one indeed more damaging than The Da Vinci Code, has it leaked out, to wit, that poor old dumb God has finally succumbed to Alzheimers; He wrote these manuscripts and forgot where He put them... that why we need all theses "doctors"?

Woe is me.
Woe is we
Jesus wept.

grace and peace

Old 03-14-2009, 03:36 PM
Bro. Parrish
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LOL Brother Tony, I would love to respond to that, but I'm going to need someone to translate it so I can understand exactly what you wrote....

Forgive me brother, I have been out on the lake riding the Sea-Doos today and I am kind of exhausted.

Last edited by Bro. Parrish; 03-14-2009 at 03:43 PM.
Old 03-15-2009, 05:01 AM
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Originally Posted by Bro. Parrish View Post
LOL Brother Tony, I would love to respond to that, but I'm going to need someone to translate it so I can understand exactly what you wrote....

Forgive me brother, I have been out on the lake riding the Sea-Doos today and I am kind of exhausted.
he he, forgive me my friend. Just a little sarcastic levity pertaining to some antics of some of those silly Earthlings who look right, talk right, act right, carry the right book(KJV), separate themselves from the same things, and have lost the vision of what it's all about. Many have forgotten, while preaching against lifestyle evangelism, they have adopted it. One year we had a tract booth you could take apart and put together with wing nuts. We didn't sell lemonade, we gave the gospel of Christ for free. We paid for the tracts out of our own pockets which was no hardship. I got restless and went up the street, one of the bikers had pulled a knife on one of the men(the six foot+ ex-Marine). I told him, put the knife in me or put it away, I have no family, this man has 3 kids, put the knife in me. He said what if he didn?t put the knife away? I told him he had 2 seconds to put it away or it would be between the valley of his gluteal muscles(To be better understood I had to use the street colloqial and vernacular). While he was stunned I just reached out and FLICK!, took it right out of his hand.(nice GERBER GATOR, I still have it). While he protested about his knife he said, "Why do you look like US(I don't have a beard though)but you talk and act like THEM?"

I told him that he was not suppose to be LOOKING AT ME, but the words on the page of THIS BOOK. I thanked him for the knife and walked back to the booth. Bro. Parrish, I'm a tobacco using, gun-owning heterosexual(a rare type in America)who thinks Ted Nugent is easy listening music and am a fan of drag racing. I see no reason to be Pat Boone on the outside while I am Count Dracula inside.

I guess my point is you never know who's gonna pop up claiming to believe the KJV is the inspired word of God, and there are many who will claim to be willing to take a knife for Jesus and those who actually will. So much for me. He must increase while I decrease. Given that background though woe be unto he who cometh forth claiming only the original manuscripts are inspired. I threw bikers out of bars after disarming them then later years witnessed to them, so White, Kutelik, and Hudson are a Trio Of Miniscule Swine going squee squee squee.

I hope you had a laugh brother, I don't do the Skee Doo, I can't swim.

Grace and peace my friend

Old 03-15-2009, 10:10 AM
Bro. Parrish
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Originally Posted by tonybones2112 View Post
While he was stunned I just reached out and FLICK!, took it right out of his hand.(nice GERBER GATOR, I still have it). While he protested about his knife he said, "Why do you look like US(I don't have a beard though)but you talk and act like THEM?"
Haha, wow those are some crazy stories, and funny too...
I never took a knife from a guy but I did almost get a beating in front of an abortion clinic one time (that was as close as I have ever come to a demon possessed bunch for sure).
I salute you for your honesty Bro. Tony, a.k.a. Count Dracula!
Old 03-15-2009, 08:40 PM
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Originally Posted by Bro. Parrish View Post
Haha, wow those are some crazy stories, and funny too...
I never took a knife from a guy but I did almost get a beating in front of an abortion clinic one time (that was as close as I have ever come to a demon possessed bunch for sure).
I salute you for your honesty Bro. Tony, a.k.a. Count Dracula!
Romans 12:17 Recompense to no man evil for evil. Provide things honest in the sight of all men.
18 If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men.

I would feel in a bit of a predicament were that to happen to me in lieu of the above Scripture Bro. Parrish, Doc Ruckman is not the only one trained in akido.
One brother once told me I was a lot like Peter. A bit passionate is the context. But Paul says also to in the same chapter to offer ourselves as a living sacrifice for the gospel's sake. We don;t go out to witness with the intent of turning it into a brawl, as Satan would like to happen.

The pastor of the church we attended for reasons unknown ended church support of the street ministry. We never got it off the ground again. In the months prior we had one man, a janitor, who drunkenly berated us in the most foul language, tired to embarrass the women, brandish a mop at us. I suppressed my Dracula-like tendencies and we just waited on God. We continued with no incidents, save for rocks and bottles and fluids in baggies. The very last night we were down there, this man came to my brother, the six foot+ exMarine, with tears in his eyes he apologized and said for us "...not to leave him, alone there..." I told him with God, you are never alone. My buddy witnessed to him with more tears, THAT made the entire sum total of abuse we took worth it. THAT was the power of God happening right there. To change a heart is the hardest thing to do, not exceed the speed of light or balance the national budget.

We're seated in heavenly places already. We could just be Calvinists and sit back and do nothing. We need to ignore the abuse and be compassionate with these people and compassionate to them. If taking a punch or a slash with a knife would help someone avoid hell, well, Paul said he'd gladly be damned in exchange for Israel's salvation.

We walk by faith and not by sight, but nothing edifies another Christian so much as to let them witness to a lost person. If a Christian don't love sinners then they need to write tracts, wax the church floors, bake pies for the charity auctions. Arthur Blessit logged 36,000 miles on FOOT for sinners, Jesus Christ died for them. What's so hard for us?

I never saw that drunk again, I hope someday I see him kneeling at Christ's feet where I can join him.

Grace and peace brother

A Kinder, Gentler Tony
Old 03-15-2009, 09:16 PM
Bro. Parrish
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Originally Posted by tonybones2112 View Post
To change a heart is the hardest thing to do, not exceed the speed of light or balance the national budget.
That is very true brother...
Old 03-15-2009, 09:25 PM
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Kiwi Christian Kiwi Christian is offline
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Originally Posted by tonybones2112 View Post
We walk by faith and not by sight, but nothing edifies another Christian so much as to let them witness to a lost person. If a Christian don't love sinners then they need to write tracts, wax the church floors, bake pies for the charity auctions. Arthur Blessit logged 36,000 miles on FOOT for sinners, Jesus Christ died for them. What's so hard for us?
Ain't that the truth!

What always has, and probably always will, bug me, is the fact that 20-50-100 professing Bible-believing Christians come together in the same local church services every week, hear the same sermons, read the same Bible, experience the same blessings when together, yet only a few of them are actively serving the Lord through the church ministries? We can all say amen to the preacher in unison, we can all sing the hymns out loud and praise the Lord, yet only a few turn up on the streets to preach & witness, only a few get to church early and enjoy the extra fellowship & prayer, only a few learn their memory verses every week...I won't rant on.

"What's so hard for us" you ask, I suppose it's that 'dying daily' business that Paul spoke about. The older I grow the more of a mystery other peoples (Christians) hearts are to me.

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