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Old 04-04-2009, 06:54 PM
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chette777 chette777 is offline
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Day might be a reference to a a descriptive stating point of his origin, not necessarily a specific day like one of the six days you are referring too. Remember in our 24/7Time Quantum or Time Measurement if you like. words like day have to be used that you and I will have a point of understanding. there is no way for us to understand Eternity until we are perfected so God chooses to use words we understand. However that doesn't mean they are all in the same reference to the same thing.

covering like that of a veil, or pan cover, valve cover? it says the cherub that covereth. but never says what he covered. If you can find a Bible verse that shows what it was he covered I would be glad to see it. if you can't find it ask why God didn't tells us what it was he covered?

God's word tells us to rightly divide. divide the scriptures if you will that are pictures of eternity form those of of the 24/7 weeks of man. you will be surprised to discover some interesting facts about those scriptures and the things they describe.

Last edited by chette777; 04-04-2009 at 07:04 PM.

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