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Old 03-25-2009, 09:00 PM
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Fredoheaven Fredoheaven is offline
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Philippines
Posts: 176
Default When did the Nobleman Returned?

Our economy has been down since the Leihmann Bro./ AIG issue.Unemployment rate is high and a growing business establishments are streaming down lately here in our country (Philippines). In our bible study, we've been discussing which is the best between becoming an employee and owning a business(small). We've lots to share and I started reading the Parable of our Lord in Luke 19:11-26. I pointed to them the following:
1. Business. As the Lord is said, the nobleman called his servants and delivered them ten(10) pounds and that upon his returned, hw would knew that his money gained. "Gained by trading" is somewhat like of having business.
2. Investments. Trading may also be in the form of having an investments in the stocks, bonds, UITF etc.
3. Savings in the Bank. This is what verse 23 is all about."money into the bank".

Our bible study focus on this economic upheaval but a friend of mine put a stunning question and asked me if I could figure out when did this nobleman returned? Is there out there could offer a help?

Jude 25

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