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I have been unable to post here in a few months, but I have not forgotton about you all! I have a quick question: I was watching TV last night and I saw an infomercial for a Prophecy Study KJV. Most of the contributions to it were compiled by a Dr. Tim LaHaye (sic?). It's $100 bucks, and I figure that it would be a worthwhile investment as far as my understanding of the End Times and Prophecy as a whole.
But before I buy it, I must ask: Does anyone here own it? Is it good? Worth $100 good? Is this LaHaye guy a follower of any aberrant ideas or doctrines? Any help would be greatly appreciated. |
Quick answer to a quick question...Save your money, Brother.
If you have ever watched the "Left Behind" series, you have seen it. He was one of the Authors of the movies.
Like Brother Tim said save your money, or just go rent the Left Behind movies; it would be cheaper. ![]() |
Really? It's got a lot of neat features, including charts and a preface to each book which includes data like what percentage of the book is prophecy. One-hundred bucks isn't really that big of a deal. I am not ignoring your recommendations, but I am just wondering if there is any reason not to purchase the Bible based on its commentary or the authors' thereof's merits alone, not so much because the author wrote some books which became movies.
Well it all depends on who's teachings, you like the best. Jack VanImpe also has a prophecy Bible.
I really prefer to stay away from others commentaries, of which I probably have read dozens, and come to my own conclusion based on the Scriptures. LaHaye is a pre-tribulationest if you agree on that, you will have no problem with his comments. The worst I can say, is he is a consort of the Paul Crouch crowd, of which I do! not like. ![]() |
I do believe in a pre-tribulation rapture, and have never been seriously challenged for that position. What about you, or others here? Are you pre- or post-tribulationist? Or pre- or post-millenialist, for that matter?
If I must choose, it would be pre-wrath. But I prefer the watch, and wait approach. Knowing our Lord who promised is faithful in his promises, and will return for his Church. At what time, it really makes no difference, as not one hair of our heads will perish.
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I praise God for his protection, Brother Sam!
But you mentioned a Paul Crouch. I am unfamiliar with this fellow. What's wrong with him? |
Are you familiar with the Trinity Broadcasting Network, well this is Paul Crouch. He is the founder, and head honcho behind it. Its mostly a group of "name it and claim it", "blab it and grab it", money seeking leeches. Or to put in other words, modern day tele-evangelists. You know the "plant a seed guys".
I don't know that LaHaye is all that, but you shouldn't sleep with the dogs unless you are a dog, that is .... if you don't want to smell like a dog. ![]() |
Years ago, when on a TV show discussing his "Left" series, LaHaye made several statements that at the time caused me to discredit any serious thoughts toward his Biblical wisdom. I cannot remember them now enough to even paraphrase them but the main idea was that writing "Christian literature" was financially a goldmine. I only know that at the time, based on those statements, I determined that he was not to be on my list of good writers to recommend. The "Left" series has made him a mint. Why should a Bible cost that much, if the message, and not the money, is the goal?
P.S. So that I have full disclosure, I do not support ANY so-called "Study Bibles", for they are not what they claim to be. |
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