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Old 09-12-2008, 11:23 PM
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Originally Posted by peopleoftheway View Post
So, what is Sarah Palins stance on the rapture?
Well seeing Palin is an AG memebr most likely mid-trib rapture belly button tatooed And peirced Republican VP Hoepful.
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Old 09-13-2008, 09:07 AM
peopleoftheway peopleoftheway is offline
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Just out of curiosity, and excuse my ignorance on American Politics, but I understand that Sarah Plain is a Christian from all your posts, but what type of Christian is she? what Church does she belong to? Do you mean assemblies of God when you say AG Brother Chette?
Old 09-13-2008, 12:44 PM
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Originally Posted by peopleoftheway View Post
Just out of curiosity, and excuse my ignorance on American Politics, but I understand that Sarah Plain is a Christian from all your posts, but what type of Christian is she? what Church does she belong to? Do you mean assemblies of God when you say AG Brother Chette?
Yeah. She's one of them.

Peace and Love,
Old 09-13-2008, 05:42 PM
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Yes she is an Assembly of God member. Most of them here are very liberal churches in the charismatic fringe.
Old 09-13-2008, 06:56 PM
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Originally Posted by chette777 View Post
Yes she is an Assembly of God member. Most of them here are very liberal churches in the charismatic fringe.
I think folks may want to check this statement out. The video I posted earlier in this thread had her speaking at her FORMER church. She is now listed as belonging to an independent evangelical bible church, Wasilla Bible Church. You can check out the statement of faith if you want. I have not, but believe it is not affiliated with the AG.
Old 09-13-2008, 10:45 PM
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Well there is a lot of things misiiing from that church's statement of faith. No stand on eternal security, no stand on pretrib gathering of the body of Christ, no stand on any particular Bible only "the Bible".

It is evangelical and most of them do have charismatic leanings now a days.
Old 09-14-2008, 08:31 PM
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Default A.G. questions.

To "peopleoftheway" and others who asked: A.G.= Assembly of God.

Go to Google and type in Assembly of God. The first thing that shows is the Official Website of the A.G.s . Look at the top of the page and see "Beleifs"...put your cursor on there and- Viola! they have their statements and core beliefs.

Basically they are close to the Church of the Nazarene/Wesleyans in their Church Government and their Theology---Which is Arminian/Evangelical. The big difference is that they hold to the idea that Sanctification comes with the outward signs of "speaking in tongues". They also hold to the idea that healing is for Christians at this time.

They have a strong missionary effort (as do the Nazarenes), and they are NOT "liberals"....{how/why could they be liberals and still believe in missions?!---Liberals have nothing worth going on a "mission" for. }.

In President Bush's 1st Term his Attorney General- John Ashcroft ( The head of the Justice Dept.) was an Assembly of God member,,,and held voluntary Bible Studies in his office before work hours began---and it really made the newsies and the leftos in the Congress upset. { It is amazing that when our government officials get sworn in to office they place their hand on a Bible and say: "So help me God."---Yet when someone actually says/does something that indicates they really believe what is written in The Book of Books,,, the "little foxes that spoil the grapes" are bound to start howling and yapping.}

Now the "usual suspects" are against Gov. Sarah Palin because she actually attends a church and believes in the Lord,,, Caution: Just because the Berlin Wall came down, does NOT mean that all the communists are dead.
Old 09-14-2008, 08:45 PM
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I do enjoy the fact that the Bible never teaches Democracy. it's primary form is that of Monarcy. yet everyone today is agaist Monarcies because wicked Monarchs ruled. we can tell from Biblical History not al Kings were wicked. And God used them even heathen kings for his will.
Old 09-15-2008, 04:57 AM
peopleoftheway peopleoftheway is offline
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Originally Posted by PB1789 View Post
To "peopleoftheway" and others who asked: A.G.= Assembly of God.

Go to Google and type in Assembly of God. The first thing that shows is the Official Website of the A.G.s . Look at the top of the page and see "Beleifs"...put your cursor on there and- Viola! they have their statements and core beliefs.

Basically they are close to the Church of the Nazarene/Wesleyans in their Church Government and their Theology---Which is Arminian/Evangelical. The big difference is that they hold to the idea that Sanctification comes with the outward signs of "speaking in tongues". They also hold to the idea that healing is for Christians at this time.

They have a strong missionary effort (as do the Nazarenes), and they are NOT "liberals"....{how/why could they be liberals and still believe in missions?!---Liberals have nothing worth going on a "mission" for. }.

In President Bush's 1st Term his Attorney General- John Ashcroft ( The head of the Justice Dept.) was an Assembly of God member,,,and held voluntary Bible Studies in his office before work hours began---and it really made the newsies and the leftos in the Congress upset. { It is amazing that when our government officials get sworn in to office they place their hand on a Bible and say: "So help me God."---Yet when someone actually says/does something that indicates they really believe what is written in The Book of Books,,, the "little foxes that spoil the grapes" are bound to start howling and yapping.}

Now the "usual suspects" are against Gov. Sarah Palin because she actually attends a church and believes in the Lord,,, Caution: Just because the Berlin Wall came down, does NOT mean that all the communists are dead.
Hey PB
I knew about the asemblies of God's belief system, (I do not believe in tongues or healing as demonstrated by benny hinn, todd bently and the like) I had previously asked about Sarah Palin's Church from googling her and getting info about her Church life from wikipedia, but I do not take wikipedia as 100% truth as it can be modified by anyone. I have no position or agenda on this lady as I am from Northern Ireland and I dont understand the politicians here never mind those on your shores
Old 09-15-2008, 01:35 PM
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Default Re: the Bible never teaches Democracy

Originally Posted by chette777 View Post
I do enjoy the fact that the Bible never teaches Democracy. it's primary form is that of Monarcy. yet everyone today is agaist Monarcies because wicked Monarchs ruled. we can tell from Biblical History not al Kings were wicked. And God used them even heathen kings for his will.

Amen brother Chette - I wholeheartedly agree - History demonstrates that All "Democracies" eventually turn into "Mob-ocracies"! Which always leads to TOTALITARIAN DICTATORS (to "control" the "mob")!

This world will not see a righteous and just government until the Lord of Glory takes His rightful place as KING OF KINGS, and establishes a perfect government with His glorified saints as governors and judges.

6,000 years of recorded history has clearly demonstrated, without a doubt, that mankind is incapable of governing himself. No matter what kind of system of government mankind has devised - they all have failed and have ended up on the "trash heap" of history.

And although there are many American Christian brethren that would disagree with me - our country is not "exempt" from God's judgment. We have turned our backs on God and have gone our own way. In addition, we have been double-crossing Israel for some time now (Nixon & Kissinger through to Bush & Baker, to Bush & Rice, etc. - some more than others) and rest assured - no one (country) gets away with persecuting (Germany) or double crossing (England) the Jew for very long.

I read an Israeli newspaper (in English) every day, and have been doing so for at least 12 years. Americans have no idea as to what the American Presidents and their Secretaries of State have been forcing Israel to do (or trying to force them to do). You don't "mess" with the Jew without getting it back "in Spades"!

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