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Old 06-26-2009, 05:47 PM
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Tbones never made any false or as you said untrue statements about Ruckman and the results of some of his ministering. Most of us know that PSRuckman has indeed ruffled the feathers of many brothers in the Lord even some of those of his own church for which it was two fold 1) for his stand (where I have no problem) 2) At times His attitude was wrong (like yours there is no need for it) Eph 4:29 Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers. If you want to ignore the truth of some of the un-necessary harm Dr Ruckman has caused some go ahead. but there are hundreds he has hurt in the body of Christ some justifiable other not. The result is some of those have become virulent in their response to how they were hurt.

As for the rest of your post #41 Proverbs 27:5 Open rebuke [is] better than secret love. Proverbs 27:6 Faithful [are] the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy [are] deceitful.
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Old 06-26-2009, 08:12 PM
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Okay, guys! It's time to stop and either or !
Old 06-27-2009, 02:31 AM
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It is not to much to worry about me and BroParish have been fighting like blood brothers off and on. but we are at peace
Old 06-29-2009, 05:09 PM
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Default Re: " Don't tell me what it “means” just tell me what it “says”"

Originally Posted by Bro. Parrish View Post
"I have to agree with you Winman.
I'm sorry to say I am quickly losing respect for the patterns of some of the regulars here. It's getting a little silly with the demands for personal information and so forth, if anyone knows of other good KJV boards please let me know as I am growing weary of the lack of moderation here, and I wouldn't mind looking at other boards to see how they are run. The bashing is getting too common and it's getting more and more trivial. Nothing against anyone personally, just getting concerned over the way things are going here, it's too bad really.
Aloha brother Parish,

I have waited this long to reply to you - just to see what would transpire on the Forum (without much input from me). And I now believe that this is the right time for my reply (although most of this Post will be about Winman).

I have a few questions for you concerning Winman’s Post (“comments”) on the Thread:

Don't tell me what it “means” just tell me what it “says” (Posted by premio53)

In regards to the Thread: Don't tell me what it “means” just tell me what it “says” – after my Post excoriating premio53 (a total STRANGER - who joined just long enough to disrupt & divide brethren) for his subtle, clever, devious, and insinuating Thread, Winman replied:

Originally Posted by Winman (Post #8)
Bro George, I think you way overreacted there.
To which you agreed (your Post #9 quoted above):

Bro. Parrish's Post #9
I have to agree with you Winman.
I'm sorry to say I am quickly losing respect for the patterns of some of the regulars here. It's getting a little silly with the demands for personal information and so forth, if anyone knows of other good KJV boards please let me know as I am growing weary of the lack of moderation here, and I wouldn't mind looking at other boards to see how they are run. The bashing is getting too common and it's getting more and more trivial. Nothing against anyone personally, just getting concerned over the way things are going here, it's too bad really
Both of you felt that I “overreacted” to premio53's subtle Thread (which was a clever attack on what I teach about what God's word SAYS - as compared to WHAT SOME people "think" it "MEANS" ) and you both did not like my “response” (to an “unknown stranger”); but please notice that neither one of you were “specific” in your “charges”, or to be more specific:Bro George, I think you way overreacted there.Doesn’t tell me WHERE or HOW I “overreacted”, all it tells me is that Winman didn’t like my “tone of voice”. And your general "charges": I am quickly losing respect for the patterns of some of the regulars here”; “I am growing weary of the lack of moderation here”; The bashing is getting too common and it's getting more and more trivial. Nothing against anyone personally, just getting concerned over the way things are going here; fails to IDENTIFY -the patternsyou are supposedly concerned with; or thebashingthat was gettingmore and more trivial; or just exactly what was WRONG with the way things are going here”.

The interesting thing is, after Winman’s and your criticism of my overreactingandbashingPREMIO53 (a total “stranger”), both you and Winman proceeded to do exactly thesame thingthat you accused me of – except that you both indulged in much morepersonalcriticism and bashing.

Winman said in reply to a Post by Brandon on 06/21/09 in his Post #19 > on the Thread Don't tell me what it “means” just tell me what it “says”:
Brandon, thanks for your reply. But I am a little tired of Bro George and Chette especially attacking people here. I don't see how anyone can consider this Christian behaviour. It's not Christian behaviour. And you will know them by their fruits.
Here is an ACCUSATION by Winman accusing brother Chette and myself of NOT practicing “Christian behavior” - WHATEVER THAT IS! Search my Posts with Winman and see IF I ever have made the SAMEPERSONAL CHARGEAGAINST Him! Is this behavior (on Winman's part) “ACCEPTABLE” with you? When I say that someone “twists” or “wrests” the Scriptures out of “context” – there is NOTHINGPERSONAL” about my words! I am NOT attacking the individual “PERSONALLY” – I am rebuking WHAT THEY DO – which is CHANGE the Holy words of God! I am not condemning them for their lack of “Christian behavior”. I don’t JUDGE their “Christian behavior”; I “judge” their mishandling and perverting the Holy words of God!

Winman said: And you will know them by their fruits.Is Winman PERSONALLYJUDGING” brother Chette’s and my “Christian behavior” as being WITHOUT “FRUIT”? (Or worse yet – that we are producing CORRUPT or EVIL FRUIT – just because we have had some SHARP DISAGREEMENTS with him?) Look at the “context” of the Scripture Winman is citing [Matthew 7:15-20])

Matthew 7:15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.

WHAT is Winman “intimating”? Is he in a position to “JUDGE” Chette’s “FRUITS” or my “FRUITS”? Hmmm? Do you NOT see the DIFFERENCE between Winman’s “PERSONALACCUSATIONS concerning our “personal conduct” and our “questioning” Winman’s ABUSE of the Holy Scriptures? His attacks are “PERSONAL” – our “rebukes” have to do with the way Winman mis-handles God’s Holy words! How about a little “discernment” please!

Winman said:
”I have lost respect for Bro George. He thinks he knows everything and is the only person who understands scripture. I would absolutely disagree with him, I think his post on Rightly Dividing the Book of Acts is FULL of error. And I have posted many scriptures that clearly contradict his false teaching. But you know, I know these self-righteous types, nothing you can say or do will get through to them. They are so full of themselves, so arrogant and sure of themselves, that even the scriptures will not convince them of their errors.
In the above comments Wiman ACCUSES me of being a “Know It All”, and FALSELY ACCUSES me of “thinking” that I am “the only person who understands Scripture”. I challenge Winman (or yourself) to find any quote of mine in all of the Threads and Posts I have made on this Forum (or on my website) where I have ever made such a “claim”! Now, Winman can “think” whatever he wants to “think” of me, but this is now the THIRD “PERSONAL ACCUSATION” that he has made against me (in just two paragraphs)!

And I have posted many scriptures that clearly contradict his false teaching.If I am GUILTY of “false teaching”, then (by inference) I am a FALSE TEACHER! Do you see the SUBTLE way that it is done today? Christians are no longer supposed to SPEAK PLAINLY (like the Apostles and the Lord Jesus Christ). Oh no - today we are supposed to be like all HUMANISTS, and only: “CONSTRUE”, “INFER”, and “INSINUATE”, but it still comes out the SAME WAY, which is another ACCUSATION by Winman against me!

But you know, I know these self-righteous types, nothing you can say or do will get through to them. They are so full of themselves, so arrogant and sure of themselves, that even the scriptures will not convince them of their errors. Let’s see – what was that Winman said in his Post #8? “Bro George, I think you way overreacted there.I guess it’s O.K., if Winman indulges in “PERSONAL ATTACKS” against me, but I am NOT allowed to “rebuke” a stranger, who has proven to be both a “troublemaker” and a “divider”!

I’m losing track of the “PERSONAL ACCUSATIONS” made against me in just two paragraphs! But let’s see - According to Winman: I don’t practice “Christian behavior” (whatever that is? ); by “inference” – I either have NO FRUIT or my FRUIT IS CORRUPT or EVIL; I “think” that I am “the only person who understands Scripture” (although HOW Winman “knows” for a “fact” - WHAT I “think” is a mystery to me!); I am GUILTY of “FALSE TEACHING” (which by “inference’, makes me “A FALSE TEACHER”); and I am “A SELF-RIGHTEOUS TYPE”; “FULL OF THEMSELVES”; “ARROGANT”; and “SURE OF THEMSELVES”! I think that about covers it, don’t you? Talk about “OVERREACTING”! What I am wondering about is - WHY didn’t you “OBJECT” to these “PERSONAL ATTACKS” against me (the old curmudgeon)? Hmmm?

And now Winman demonstrates his “gift’ for “TWISTING” words (whether they are mine or Chette’s or the Scriptures)

Winman said:
To say a person does not need to understand scripture is so ridiculous as to be absolutely absurd. I cannot believe any intelligent person would say such a thing.”
Did I EVER "SAY" WHAT Winman is “claiming” I said? I challenge both of you to find the quote from my Posts where I ever said such an absurd and ridiculous thing! This is Winman’s “Modus operendi” – putting “words” in people’s mouths that they never said; taking what someone has said and MAKING IT SAY SOMETHING ELSE; WRESTING “words” out of their “context” and MAKING THEMMEANSOMETHING OTHER THAN WHAT THEYMEAN”! WHY doesn’t this “bother” you? And if it does “bother” you – WHY haven’t you said something about it?
Winman said:
Why are we instructed to STUDY the scriptures? Why are told to compare scriptures? So we can understand them of course.
{I’m not even going to comment on such INFANTILE REASONING!}
Winman said:
"And to say we have no need to listen to teachers is also absurd. I got saved because I heard a preacher who understands salvation explain to me as a little boy how Jesus died for me on the cross and rose from the dead, and how I could pray to Jesus and ask for forgiveness and everlasting life.”

1 Cor 12:28 And God hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, governments, diversities of tongues.
WHEN (and WHERE) did I EVERSAY”: “to say we have no need to listen to teachers is also absurd.” This continuousmisconstruing” of other people “words” is not only a “BAD HABIT”, it is also PERVERSE! You have to ask yourself – WHY does a “Christian” indulge in such devious practices? I have NEVER SAID: “we have no need to listen to teachers”! I have continuously warned against FALSE TEACHING and FALSE TEACHERS because we are living in the days of APOSTASY! And I have encouraged Christians to rely on the Holy Spirit for their spiritual discernment, understanding, and wisdom, instead of men. That’s a FAR CRY from WHAT Winman SAYS I SAID! Are you “bothered” (even just a little bit) yet?
Winman said:
I don't even know why I am writing this, I know that absolutely nothing I or anyone else can say or do will reach these pompous self-righteous people. They are so incredibly self-deceived and do not realize it.
Oops! There’s ANOTHER ”PERSONAL” ACCUSATION by someone who thought that I “way over-reacted” to another troublemaker (who still is a complete “stranger” to all of us) who joined the Forum.

Winman said:
I have been here about six months. I have probably seen at least half a dozen people get banned, and most because they had a run in with Bro George. Many times Bro George was correct, but many times he was wrong. He cannot see that. He cannot conceive or allow himself to believe he is capable of error. He can look at a verse like John 7:37-39 which absolutely destroys his teaching (not what the scriptures really say) on Acts and completely ignore it. You aren't going to help someone like that.
Now, Winman said:Many times Bro George was correct, but many times he was wrong.ACCUSATIONS like these are MEANINGLESS! If we were in “a Court of Law” Winman would be “laughed” out of Court with unsubstantiatedgeneralACCUSATIONS! WHY not NAME names? WHY not cite at least some of the “many times he (George) was wrong”, instead of meaningless general ACCUSATIONS that cannot be taken seriously without specific substantiation? Winman said:
I've said my piece, I don't know if I'll be back or not. I cannot stand these constant attacks on people who disagree with Bro George or Chette. You are right Brandon, people don't have to post, people can move on. And as long as you have these two here, that is going to be frequent.”
IF Winman "cannot stand these constant attacks on people who disagree with Bro George or Chette" - WHY is Winman still here? I wonder WHY - if Winman is so dissatisfied with this Forum and some of us here, WHY is he still here - still NAY-SAYING and DISAGREEING with much of what many of us Post? I know one thing, if I felt about the AV1611 Bible Forums the way he does – I’d be GONE IN A HEARTBEAT! That’s WHY I am NOT a member of any other Forum. I wouldn’t waste my time arguing and debating with “Christians” from around the world all day long.

I have kept a “low profile” for the past week, just to see what would “develop” (without much of my input). And the interesting thing is that Winman has gotten into it with other members (greenbear foremost) of the Forum with his constant NAY-SAYING and OPPOSITION to “rightly dividing the word of truth”, and you have managed castigate brother Tony and brother Chette in several of your Posts. So much for - “way overreacting”! And so much for – “The bashing is getting too common and it's getting more and more trivial.

In an earlier Post Winman said:
I do not appreciate the bullying that goes on around here lately. When you sincerely disagree with a few here, they accuse you of all sorts of things, being an unbeliever, not rightly dividing the word of truth, false teacher, heresy, on and on.

You know, there were folks that used this same tactic on Jesus, the prophets and apostles

Luke 7:33 For John the Baptist came neither eating bread nor drinking wine; and ye say, He hath a devil.
34 The Son of man is come eating and drinking; and ye say, Behold a gluttonous man, and a winebibber, a friend of publicans and sinners!

12:23 And all the people were amazed, and said, Is not this the son of David?
24 But when the Pharisees heard it, they said, This fellow doth not cast out devils, but by Beelzebub the prince of the devils.

Calling people names like "false teacher" is very reminicient of the Pharisees, not Jesus.”
To which I replied:
You couldn’t “PROVE” what you just said from the Scriptures - NOT if your life depended on it! Once again your “private opinion” DOES NOT “LINE UP” with the Holy “words” of God:

The Lord Jesus Christ NEVER got into "calling people NAMES"? Are you serious? Have I ever called you a “HYPOCRITE”; or a “FOOL; or a “BLIND GUIDE”; or a “VIPER”; or a “SERPENT”? Hmmm? Have I ever said that you are “BLIND” or have I ever intimated that you are “FULL OF HYPOCRISY and INIQUITY”? That’s what the Lord called the scribes and the Pharisees. He didn’t “MINCE” His words when it came to “FALSE TEACHERS”!

Now when you equate what I am doing (or saying) here on this forum as being the “same” as what the Pharisees did to “Jesus, the prophets and apostles” –

You did say:

You know, there were folks that used this same tactic on Jesus, the prophets and apostles.”
You are accusing me of using the same tactics as the scribes and the Pharisees did – so are you ACCUSING me of being a Pharisee? And if you are – WHY don’t you just come out and say it, instead of beating around the bush?
You see – it’s always the same “clever manipulation of words”. Instead of SPEAKING PLAINLY – Winman “subtly infers” that I use the “same tactics” as the Pharisees (without even “NAMING” or “identifying” the Pharisees – instead it’s: “there were FOLKS that used the same tactic on Jesus”. “FOLKS”! WHO were those “FOLKS”? Why they were the Pharisees! Is Winman saying that I am a Pharisee? If he is, WHY DOESN’T HE JUST COME OUT AND SAY IT - LIKE A REAL MAN, instead of "subtly cloaking his words like a Humanist?)

Now, I'm DONE dealing with Winman. A man who treats "words" the way he does cannot be reasoned with! A man who IGNORES the Scriptures; and who takes verses and words out of "context"; and who thinks nothing of MAKING the Holy words of God "MEAN" SOMETHING OTHER THAN WHAT THEY "SAY", cannot be trusted to have a "meaningful dialogue" with. He has RESISTED (his Threads & Posts) practically all of the teaching on "rightly dividing the word of truth" on this Forum by any of us who believe in the necessity to rightly divide the Holy words of God, rather than "HARMONIZE" them as he does.

The Scriptures warn us:

2 Timothy 3:1 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.
2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,
4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;
5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.
6 For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts,
7 Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.
8 Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith.
9 But they shall proceed no further: for their folly shall be manifest unto all men, as theirs also was.
10 But thou hast fully known my doctrine, manner of life, purpose, faith, longsuffering, charity, patience,
11 Persecutions, afflictions, which came unto me at Antioch, at Iconium, at Lystra; what persecutions I endured: but out of them all the Lord delivered me.
12 Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.
13 But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.
14 But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them;
15 And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.
16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
17 That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.

It is clear (to me at least) that people who “think alike” generally congregate together. Perhaps that is why you haven’t called Winman down for his “
PERSONAL ATTACKS” against me. And if that is the case – well that’s fine with me. But don’t expect me to stop rebuking all of the kooks, crazies, crackpots, heretics, false teachers, troublemakers, Bible correctors, gnat-strainers, nay-sayers, or people who twist and wrest words out of their context – especially after Winman’s “personal attacks” on me and the “personal exchanges” you have had with both brother Tony and brother Chette. You know the “old saying”: “People who live in GLASS HOUSES shouldn’t THROW STONES”! Or even better:

Matthew 7:1 Judge not, that ye be not judged.
2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.
3 And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?
4 Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye?
5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.
Old 06-30-2009, 12:13 AM
Bro. Parrish
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George my comments speak for themselves and I think they are clear,
and your last post right there pretty much sums up why I stated them.
I guess your feelings about Winman are just that, they are YOURS, brother.
Either way, I don't really care to discuss Winman's posts with you,
if you want to discuss his posts, you'll have to do it with others.
Thanks for your understanding.

Last edited by Bro. Parrish; 06-30-2009 at 12:40 AM.
Old 06-30-2009, 08:35 AM
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Default Re: "Don't tell me what it “means” just tell me what it “says”"

Originally Posted by Bro. Parrish View Post
"George my comments speak for themselves and I think they are clear,
and your last post right there pretty much sums up why I stated them.
I guess your feelings about Winman are just that, they are YOURS, brother.
Either way, I don't really care to discuss Winman's posts with you,
if you want to discuss his posts, you'll have to do it with others.
Thanks for your understanding

Aloha brother Parrish,

This has got nothing to do with my "FEELINGS"! You sided with Winman on my being too hard on premio53, a new troublemaker and a total stranger to the Forum, who obviously is what I said he is by what has transpired between known brethren on the Forum! I have demonstrated (over and over again - ad nauseum) that Winman is a nay-saying individual who takes "words" (people's or the Bible's) and "twists" them to say what they didn't say and "wrests" them out of their "context" to MAKE THEM SAY WHAT THEY DIDN'T SAY!

If you hadn't joined in agreement with Winman I wouldn't have singled you out, but your criticism of my "bashing" a troublemaking stranger doesn't line up with your own personal conduct on the Forum: considering your "bashing" known members (Tony & Chette - who are members in good standing) of this Forum, and who, we at least know to be brethren - and NOT TOTAL STRANGERS (who may not be "brethren" at all) who joined the Forum to foment TROUBLE and DIVISION!

And by the way - your reply to my Post is just one more example of your failure to be "specific" when making statements or accusations. "General" statements and accusations are meaningless since they contain NO FACTS!

This has got NOTHING to do with my "FEELINGS" brother - and everything to do with spiritual discernment; judging "righteous judgment"; and "rightly dividing the word of truth". "FFELINGS" are subject to private opinions and personal bias - RIGHTEOUS JUDGMENT is how born again sons of God are to JUDGE (According to the Holy words of God - NOT "FEELINGS")!
Old 06-30-2009, 09:51 AM
Bro. Parrish
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Originally Posted by George View Post
If you hadn't joined in agreement with Winman I wouldn't have singled you out, but your criticism of my "bashing" a troublemaking stranger doesn't line up with your own personal conduct on the Forum: considering your "bashing" known members (Tony & Chette - who are members in good standing) of this Forum, and who, we at least know to be brethren - and NOT TOTAL STRANGERS (who may not be "brethren" at all) who joined the Forum to foment TROUBLE and DIVISION!
Sometimes I agree with Winman, sometimes I agree with you.
I will agree with whoever I want, when I want. Personally, I think you both bring interesting views to the forum. Sometimes I think Winman is wrong. Sometimes I think you are wrong. But no one has a perfect record on behavior, certainly not me and not even you. It is what it is. Certainly Chette and Tony both have done their share of bashing too, but you won't mention that—maybe because of your personal FEELINGS about them, hmmm? Who cares, I really don't give a flip. I have also defended ALL OF YOU at one time or another on various issues.

George, I'm not angry at you, I just think you tend to overreact a lot and hack on people to the point where it gets nauseating. Now you can continue this and post one of your giant multi-colored posts about ME, and prove my point if you want to, it's a free country... but it won't change my views one bit, and it won't edify anyone.

Last edited by Bro. Parrish; 06-30-2009 at 09:58 AM.
Old 06-30-2009, 10:54 AM
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Default Re: "Don't tell me what it “means” just tell me what it “says”"

Aloha brother Parrish,

The following quote is from Pastor Lee Spencer (a man with whom Winman agrees; and with whom you said - "I think he brings out some good points on Ultra-dispensationalism".):

Pastor lee Spencer said:
"Not only that, but Abraham rejoiced to see his Friend's day. Jesus said he did see it and was glad. I, too, would be extremely glad if in seeing Christ's day, the life of my son was saved from slaughter on the altar! He certainly saw Christ's day in the provision of an adult lamb (a ram) who took his son's place, and died in his son's place. No wonder Abraham could say before the fact and with great confidence that "The Lord will provide himself a sacrifice." Abraham knew more than that for which we give him credit: the untampered Hebrew text expresses that "The Lord will provide himself as a sacrifice." The English translation, when read correctly, causes the "as" to be understood in the context."
Compare what the pastor said with what the Holy Bible (i.e. the King James Bible) SAYS.

The pastor SAID:
"No wonder Abraham could say before the fact and with great confidence that "The Lord will provide himself a sacrifice." Abraham knew more than that for which we give him credit: the untampered Hebrew text expresses that "The Lord will provide himself as a sacrifice." The English translation, when read correctly, causes the "as" to be understood in the context." {NO CHANGING or ADDING to the the Holy words of God there?}
The Holy Bible states:
Genesis 22:7 And Isaac spake unto Abraham his father, and said, My father: and he said, Here am I, my son. And he said, Behold the fire and the wood: but where is the lamb for a burnt offering?
8 And Abraham said, My son, God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering: so they went both of them together.
I rest my case!
Old 06-30-2009, 01:00 PM
Bro. Parrish
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LOL, this is not a courtroom, but somehow you sound like an attorney. Yes brother, I can see your point there, but I never said I agreed with the entire article on every point, it seems that is something you are trying to project with your little "CASE," against other members here including me, but it never happened so it's kind of MOOT. I said "I think he brings out some good points on Ultra-dispensationalism." Which I think he does. As I clearly stated over on the other thread to John G—ultimately, every believer will have to examine the scriptures and DECIDE FOR THEMSELVES. This has proven to be a divisive topic, but fortunately many of us here can still respect one another at least to a degree. Whoever can't see that can howl at the moon and eat green cheese, it really doesn't matter to me.
Old 06-30-2009, 04:37 PM
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For edification...

Some individuals are exact, thorough, and labor to be precise with their words. You can tell by their writing and teaching. Personally, I enjoy fellowship with others who are like that because I think that way. I connect with them. I love sitting for hours and chewing on the word. I love detail and really respect those who labor in the word and provide careful, thorough, and exact teaching. Its work and I know it! That’s why I appreciate their labor of love in the word.

On the other hand, I have a real challenge connecting with those who do not place high priority on precise words. I’m very analytical. Some aren’t. I read, reread, and reread words to understand them—often I still don’t get it and try to keep my mouth shut in those instances. I’m also very absolute. Some aren’t. I tend to like things that are black and white, right and wrong, true and false. It’s difficult to communicate with those who are not like me. And throughout my Christian life I’ve often been perceived as being judgmental, harsh, uncaring, arrogant, and a know-it-all because of my passion for and proclamation of the truth.

I guess ultimately, most on this Forum will readily agree that God is concerned with “every word” and therefore we should be too. We should all appreciate and respect those who take the Bible and what it says very seriously. In my opinion, no one has shown this quality like Brother George has. Does that make him right all the time? No and he knows it. Am I getting on the Brother George bandwagon and attempting to win his favor? Grow up! Is he the final word? You know better than that. He has always said back up your opinion with scripture…I’m listening.

We would all benefit by reading each others threads more carefully, being swift to hear, and slow to speak. It’s always in order to reflect and not react. And surely we all agree that we should avoid accusations and personal attacks when we fail to offer no clear and precise Biblical authority or bases to support our opinion.

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