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Old 06-01-2009, 08:42 PM
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Originally Posted by greenbear View Post
That's just one too many hypers, brother! It must be the cold medicine you're on. I'm ready to agree to disagree with you on anything we don't agree on. I'll keep praying for you to get healthy.

Take care,
That's alright sister, you'll get it eventually. First is right division, then the primacy of grace over everything. 11 of my Drive-By Cult have gotten it already, there's always room for one more. You need to order a 4 CD set from Pastor Richard Jordan, 2 of the CDs are The Jekyll and Hyde Christian and What Is This Thing Called Grace. By the time you are done shouting and running the aisles you won;t even remember the Bible Twilight Zone.

Grace and peace sister

The King James Bible Page SwordSearcher Bible Software
Old 06-02-2009, 11:35 AM
Bro. Parrish
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Originally Posted by greenbear View Post
That's just one too many hypers, brother! It must be the cold medicine you're on. I'm ready to agree to disagree with you on anything we don't agree on. I'll keep praying for you to get healthy.

Take care,
Jennifer, don't listen to the hyper nonsense.
I guess Tony is now promoting CD instruction on his brand of anti-baptism confusion. As I predicted, this is only going to get worse...
Old 06-02-2009, 11:41 AM
Bro. Parrish
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Originally Posted by tonybones2112 View Post
When Dr. Ruckman don;t know what the Sheol he's talking about, he deserves a good slam, namely slandering and libeling people he don;t know the first whit about.
Funny, here I was thinking that you are in fact slandering and libeling Bro. Ruckman. Either way your behavior is getting obnoxious. I thought you unsubscribed from this thread, yet here you are spreading your leaven again, I'm starting to see a pattern...
Old 06-02-2009, 01:13 PM
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Originally Posted by Bro. Parrish View Post
Jennifer, don't listen to the hyper nonsense.
I guess Tony is now promoting CD instruction on his brand of anti-baptism confusion. As I predicted, this is only going to get worse...
How fortunate it is you don't own the forum brother Parrish, Brandon does, and when he gets ready to boot me it'll be in his own time and not yours. I met people like you in the Peter Ruckman forum on yahoogroups: Condescending, hair-trigger, know-it-all, Pharisaic, and scared Chicken Littles screaming warnings when there are no threats. You're a Chicken Little recommending the hate-literature of Ironside and Ruckman against blood-bought evangelistic KJV Only Christians preaching Christ crucified, just not under your personal standards and therefore it's heresy for me to recommend a 4 CD message by a blood-bought evangelistic Christian who mentions water b'ptism nor splitting B'ptist churches nowhere in any the 4 messages I recommend but preaches the free grace of God and how to have victory in your life over sin as Luke and Chris(Buzz) are struggling with You don't care about the torment Luke and Chris are going through in their struggles, you just want everybody in the forum to be a clone of you and have your position on water b'ptism so you're going to throw lightning bolts down from Mt. Ruckman-Ironside against anybody you don't agree with because you are better than they are.

You call a "brother in Christ" who you "love" a "Bullingerite" and you don't know the first thing about heresies Ethelbert W. Bullinger taught, only that he taught water b'ptism was a work of the Law of Moses which I teach, so I am a "Bullingerite". Charley Manson said the KJV was the inspired word of God, I say the KJV is the inspired word of God. That makes me a Manson Family member too, don't it? So, you're going to follow me around the forum, as robycop did the yahoogroups, like the demon possessed girl in Acts 16 sqwacking, "the Bullingerite, the Bullingerite". Do what you wish. Bullinger, Richard Jordan, Harry ironside and Peter Ruckman don't do my thinking for me. Like most people who walk after the flesh when their denominational beliefs are threatened, you have to make it personal and about the person and not about the issue. That's how you ruined the water baptism thread as a serious, decent and orderly avenue of discussion and why I put so little time into it.

That's what you wanted. You don't want a Scriptural discussion of what is a sacrement to brother Parrish.

My opinion is you are a brother in Christ, bought by His Blood, personally I think you're another Ruckmanite Neanderthal. If that gets me banned from this forum so be it. Enjoy your handiwork in running the "Bullingerite" off the forum until you yourself are banned for being a condescending parrot.

Grace and peace brother

Old 06-02-2009, 01:56 PM
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I don't care who any of these men are you both are talking about whether they are trying to make a name for themselves and get men to follow them or not. I don't need them. I followed Ellen White and a bunch of Vineyard crazies so I've gone from one extreme to the other. I'm so blessed that I haven't gone to any churches in 15 years. Who needs the confusion and infighting and men trying to get people to follow their particular brand of traditions and private interpretations. My husband was right to steer clear of churches. I just miss fellowship.
Old 06-02-2009, 02:07 PM
Bro. Parrish
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Originally Posted by tonybones2112 View Post
My opinion is you are a brother in Christ, bought by His Blood, personally I think you're another Ruckmanite Neanderthal. If that gets me banned from this forum so be it. Enjoy your handiwork in running the "Bullingerite" off the forum until you yourself are banned for being a condescending parrot.

Grace and peace brother

LOL, I like the way you spit out all that venom,
and then end it with "grace and peace brother."
Old 06-02-2009, 08:59 PM
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Originally Posted by Bro. Parrish View Post
LOL, I like the way you spit out all that venom,
and then end it with "grace and peace brother."
Didn;t you love it brother Parrish? Like you calling people "Bullingerites" when you don;t know Bullinger taught:

Soul Sleep
Universal Salvation for sinners in hell and demons

We ALL love being called heretics with no evidence, don;t we?

Grace and peace brother

Old 06-02-2009, 10:03 PM
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Originally Posted by Bro. Parrish View Post
LOL, I like the way you spit out all that venom,
and then end it with "grace and peace brother."
I'm sorry I lost my temper with you brother, but I've been called a "Bullingerite" one time too many. I won;t bother you or make you mad again. I think you have a hair trigger and try to emulate Dr. Ruckman, and I've only found one man who can successfully emulate Dr. Ruckman.

Dr. Peter Ruckman.

Grace and peace

Old 06-02-2009, 11:52 PM
Bro. Parrish
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Originally Posted by tonybones2112 View Post
Didn;t you love it brother Parrish? Like you calling people "Bullingerites" when you don;t know Bullinger taught:

Soul Sleep
Universal Salvation for sinners in hell and demons
Well I guess you are free to make your assumptions brother, but I actually did know that. With over 30 years of Bible study and doctrinal courses, teaching Bible classes, comparative religions etc., I'm pretty familiar with Bullingerism and as I stated before, it has many subtle folds. As I have stated before, I honestly think some people subscribe to various levels of it without even realizing it and without even embracing it totally.

Originally Posted by tonybones2112 View Post
I'm sorry I lost my temper with you brother...
I appreciate that.
No problem, sticks and stones you know... let's not worry about it.

Originally Posted by tonybones2112 View Post
but I've been called a "Bullingerite" one time too many.
Well, I think there may be a reason for that brother.
But as I have already stated, everyone here still loves you either way.

Originally Posted by tonybones2112 View Post
I won;t bother you or make you mad again. I think you have a hair trigger and try to emulate Dr. Ruckman...
Well now, I have been accused of worse things brother!
I don't think I have a "hair trigger," but I will defend Bro. Ruckman when people attack him, I don't care who it is. However—let me be clear and promise you—I am not now nor have I ever been "mad at you" or angry about any of our discussions. I do not consider you to be a bad person, and your stand on the KJV is commendable. I will admit, I have been puzzled as to why you have been allowed to post some of the things you have posted, but that's between you and the administrator, not me. I will continue to pray for you on these issues and I wish you all the best. I'm tired and heading to bed.
Old 06-03-2009, 01:15 AM
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Originally Posted by Bro. Parrish View Post
Well I guess you are free to make your assumptions brother, but I actually did know that. With over 30 years of Bible study and doctrinal courses, teaching Bible classes, comparative religions etc., I'm pretty familiar with Bullingerism and as I stated before, it has many subtle folds. As I have stated before, I honestly think some people subscribe to various levels of it without even realizing it and without even embracing it totally.

I appreciate that.
No problem, sticks and stones you know... let's not worry about it.

Well, I think there may be a reason for that brother.
But as I have already stated, everyone here still loves you either way.

Well now, I have been accused of worse things brother!
I don't think I have a "hair trigger," but I will defend Bro. Ruckman when people attack him, I don't care who it is. However—let me be clear and promise you—I am not now nor have I ever been "mad at you" or angry about any of our discussions. I do not consider you to be a bad person, and your stand on the KJV is commendable. I will admit, I have been puzzled as to why you have been allowed to post some of the things you have posted, but that's between you and the administrator, not me. I will continue to pray for you on these issues and I wish you all the best. I'm tired and heading to bed.
Brother Parrish, you're being double minded. You say you "love" someone in Christ for the sake of the webmaster, then you overtly and covertly state the same man is a "false teacher" of "false doctrines" and a follower of a man who taught soul sleep, Universal salvation, and the gospel of Christ being taught in the 12 constellations.

Let's be honest with each other: If this forum was yours you'd banned me after the first day, but if this forum was yours, I'd never joined it in the first place because of your unlearned and second-hand bigotry towards Grace believers. You don't know the first thing about the majority of KJV believing Grace believers. The only thing you know about us is what Ruckman, Rice, and Ironside have told you in a book.

I discerned the majority of members here, along with the webmaster, were Christians first and Baptists second, were not embalmed in this second-hand and unlearned bigotry towards Grace believers, apparently I was right, except for you. I'd rather be in this forum than anywhere on the internet. The internet never has been nor ever will be a novelty to me. Nearly everything out there is fake, except for this website and the affiliates of it, as John Hinton, KJV-ASIA, Will Kenny and others. This is the only Christian forum I have ever been made welcome in, other than brother Will Kenney's yahoo group, WHICH VERSION. There's a reason for that and it's not "Bullingerism":

Gal. 1:10 For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ.

Brother, in Christ I say to you, take me or leave me. We each are what we are, and if I get banned from the forum, I get banned from the forum. I'm not going to stalk anybody. God has used your reasonable service in the Baptist Church, He's used my reasonable service in the Grace Movement. You don't build a church on dispensationalism, you don't build a church on "following the Lord in believer's b'ptism", you build a church on Christ crucified.

My prayer for you is not that you become a member of the grace movement, my prayer for you is that you bear much fruit in and for the Lord. If there is a controversy between you and I, my part ends when I click "Submit Reply".

Grace and peace brother Parrish


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